The dark angel Part 25

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Ch 25


Shirou: (stops running) You. Where did the cult leader go?

Slum beastman: he went that way with Ginrou, i hear they were handing out free water! Oh I wish I was there.

Shirou: Thank you! (Shirou runs in the direction the beastman pointed) (meanwhile)

Nazuna: (still being punched by Michiru) I can't, I can't, I can't...!

Boris: If you won't, then your friend will and she will become Ginrou! (One of michiru's punches hits Nazuna in the ribs. It sounds like something broke)

Nazuna: Gah...!

Nazuna: (crying in pain) Boris... stop this, this is crazy!

Boris: It's too late! It has already begun! The cult member will be transforming soon and ginrou will be needed! Whether that's you or your friend doesn't matter! (Shirou watches this from an alley then begins to sneak up behind Boris)

Nazuna: Tha-that's enough! (She smacks away one of michiru's punches and crawls away, in pain) (Michiru calmly starts limping towards Nazuna, her eyes pale and lacking will)

Nazuna: Stop this Boris!

Boris: No! I canno- (Shirou hits him on the head and he falls over unconscious) (Michiru's eyes seem to regain some colour and slows down a bit)

Nazuna and Shirou: Michiru? (Something roars in the distance This seems to completely free Michiru from her trance)

Michiru: N- nazuna?

Nazuna: Michiru? (Nazuna winces from pain)

Michiru: Nazuna! Are you ok? (Michiru limps over to Nazuna and tries to help her up. In the end they both end up lying in the ground)

Michiru: (Crying) Did I do this?

Nazuna: (crying in silence, in heavy pain) Eh... i probably deserved it for what i did, to be honest

Shirou: I'm going to see what that roar was. You two stay here and wait for an ambulance. It'll be here in a few minutes. (Shirou runs away as Michiru and Nazuna hug each other, crying. None of them realised that Boris was gone).

Michiru: (after a short while) Will...will this be the end??

Boris: Indeed it will be, tanuki.

Michiru: (terrified) wha-

Nazuna: Michiru... r-run-!

(Nazuna gets hypnotized by Boris)

Michiru: Nazuna?

Nazuna: (Nazuna grabs Michiru's bad shoulder)

Michiru: what are you doing? Stop, that's my bad arm!

(Nazuna begins punching michiru's chest, breaking her ribs and her sternum)

Michiru: Ah! (one of michiru's ribs break, stabbing a lung)

Michiru: Can't...! I can't breathe...

(Michiru collapses as Nazuna snaps out of the hypnosis)

Nazuna: (Shouting, crying, in a heavy and emotional and physical pain) MICHIRU! NOOOOO!

(Nazuna's body begins to glow, Boris shouts in triumph)

End of chapter 25

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