The dark angel part 39

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Ch 39


(Nazuna breaks down, sobbing incoherently)

Alan: guess i should have saved that news till we were done (he shrugs)

Alan: keep her here until she calms down, there's still more i'd like to know.

Boris: understood

(they leave the room. Nazuna remains tied up sobbing uncontrollably)

Nazuna: what have I done now...?

Nazuna: the one thing i came back to protect is gone, and the one reason i put up with boris's 

creepy attitude again is gone too!

Nazuna: i can't use any of my powers, although I didn't even get to fully understand them before 

i ended up back here...

Nazuna: (beginning to calm down) I need to know for sure... Alan doesn't have much reason to 

lie about it if he still wanted more questions but still!

Nazuna: maybe not my godly powers but my shapeshifting should still work, (nazuna examines the ropes holding her in place)

Nazuna: The only full body morph i've ever managed is my ginrou form and besides its too big for this room so it wouldn't work anyway hmmmm.......

(Nazuna recalls a memory of a discussion between her and Michiru)

Michiru: -yea and then we ended up in this big cage and we were being carried into a boat.

(Nazuna nods respectfully, waiting for michiru to continue)

Michiru: we were about to be placed into the boat when my arms stretched out really long and i reached into the cockpit of the crane, knocked out the driver and somehow held of the controls!

Nazuna: (clapping lightly) you sure went through quite a lot before i got here

Michiru: yeah

(they both laugh)

(present day)

Nazuna: Michiru and I both have the same abilities soooo...

(she concentrates for a moment and her arm begins to stretch)

Nazuna: (still concentrating) ok... so if i can do that can i flatten it?

(Nazunas arm seems to shrink as it becomes as flat as a piece of paper)

Nazuna: (her arm returning to its original size as she pulls it out of the ropes holding it down) there! Now just the other one.

(nazuna repeats the process for her other arm and legs, then she begins to work on the ropes around her torso)

Nazuna: can't really do much about this (she begins to untie them)

Boris: ...she should-

Nazuna: shoot! Why are they coming back already?!

(Nazuna begins to work more frantically at the ropes)

Boris: i've got a new dose of truth serum and some hallucination inducing drugs that should let 

us talk to her longer even if the serum wears off.

Alan: good, although i doubt we'll need the extra-

Alan (visibly surprised): Where'd she go? (his tone becoming more irritated)

Nazuna: "she told me about the chameleon morph too, geez i really owe her now" (Nazuna 

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