The dark angel Part 31

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Ch 31


(the  day before)

Shirou: I don't get it, how could her smell have just vanished?

Marie: heya-

Shirou: (A bit rude, maybe even violent) Have you seen nazuna?

Marie: (Keeping calm, hands up) ...Yeah, I just saw her earlier. Is everything ok? She seemed upset.

Shirou: which way did she go?

Marie: Uh... that way (marie points behind her)

Shirou: you didn't give her anything did you? (shirou gives her a suspicious glare)

Marie: (Looking elsewhere, with a shady smile) just some water, what you think me, a reputable saleswoman here in Animacity would give her something suspicious-

(shirou runs in the direction marie pointed without letting her finish)

Shirou: this is where her scent ended, could someone else have helped her mask it?

Shirou: Or is she here, hiding?

(shirou looks around but can't find nazuna)

Shirou: It's getting dark... I'll go see the mayor.

(shirou pulls out his phone and calls the mayor)

Mayor Rose: Hello Shirou, are those two girls ok?

Shirou: (after hesitating for a moment, he dodges the question) How are you?

Mayor: Well, i'm in the hospital. They seem to think I've cracked a few bones but nothing serious. Now (her tone becomes more serious) how are those two?

Shirou: I'd- I'd like to tell you in person (his voice cracks)

Mayor rose: ok, (the tone of her voice makes it clear she knows something bad happened) i'm in the 456th room of the hospital.

Shirou: i'll see you soon then. (he hangs up)

(later, in the hospital)Mayor Rose: i'm glad to see you're still in one piece

Shirou: Yeah... (he sits on a chair next to the mayor's bed)

Mayor Rose: (her voice turns grim) well?

Shirou: Michiru is... she's... i couldn't protect her... (shirou doesn't meet The Mayor's eyes. Simultaneously, his fists seem to try to grab someone who isn't there)

Mayor Rose: I see... (she pauses for a moment, assimilating it) where's the body?

Shirou: I couldn't find it...

Mayor Rose: (Upset and surprised) This is a first time... and Nazuna?

Shirou: Her and Boris went to the slums to perform the ritual.

Mayor Rose: You don't mean?

(Shirou nods grimly)

Shirou: Boris was under the impression the person performing the ritual had to draw the blood of the last beastman themself

Mayor Rose: Was that the case for you?

Shirou: (Trying to remember details) Well I... I held a good friend of mine in my arms before they passed. Shortly afterwards i was impaled then the ritual took place

Mayor Rose: It seems he was either misinformed or...

Shirou: He wanted to kill two birds with one stone.

Shirou: As for Nazuna, it seems after her transformation was finished and they somehow incapacitated her and attempted to take her to a van. My guess is she wouldn't go willingly because she wasn't happy with being forced to...

Shirou: i got her out of the van but... that's when she told me. Then she ran away and i lost her scent.

Mayor Rose: was it a scent remover?

Shirou: No... i would have noticed that around the rest of the area but it was just her scent that vanished. I still don't have an explanation for it.

Mayor Rose: (A silent tear falls from her left eye) How intriguing.

End of chapter 31

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