The dark angel Part 27

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Ch 27


Boris: Come back with us. Now.

Nazuna: (still crying) NEVER...I won't... not after what you did...

Nazuna: You'll pay for this!...

Boris: (evil smile) You think I'll die that easy?

Boris: Even if you were the strongest here... You still have no control over your powers. Only I can teach you that...

Nazuna: (shouting, crying exhausted) Do I look like I care?

Boris: You couldn't because you don't control your powers yet, I repeat... You should give up.

Nazuna: (devastated) (Nazuna collapses)

(Nazuna falls unconscious from exhaustion)

Boris: Escort her to her room.

Cult members: (already walking towards her) Yes sir.


Shirou: Now then... where was that howl coming from- whoa!

(Shirou runs into a clearing where a seemingly taller and buffer then normal nyrvasyl beastman is destroying buildings and hurting other beastmen in the process)

Shirou: (under his breath) shoot!

Shirou: (transforming into ginrou) awoooooooooooo!

(the rampaging beastman seems unaffected by his howling)

Shirou: (nervous) that's impossible... (the rampaging beastman notices him)

Shirou: We'll have to find a new cure if it's like this then...

Shirou: (transforms back to wolf form) i should be less likely to harm it like this- crap! (while he wasn't paying attention the beastman rushed him batting him aside like he was a stray feather in the wind)

Shirou: are they normally that strong? Blech! (shirou coughs up some blood as he recovers)

Shirou: I don't think I'll win this head on, not without killing them at least. (shirou begins to run closer to the harbor, the beastman follows)

Shirou: (pulls his phone out of his pocket) i'll just call the- darn it! (he throws aside his obviously busted phone)

Shirou: I'll just have to hope she finds us then, it shouldn't be too hard (he looks back seeing the rampaging beastman trampling buildings in pursuit of him. No other beastmen seem to have transformed thankfully)

(shirou reaches the edge of the docks and turns his back to the water)

Shirou: I just need to subdue it somehow, maybe if i get it in the water... (he transforms back into ginrou)

(The beastman charges at him, he tries to sidestep so it runs past him off the dock but it turns and slams into him. He digs his claws into the ground to avoid getting pushed off. However he is still slowly being pushed back)

(the rampaging beastman bites into his neck, not drawing blood but shocking him enough to lose his grip)

Shirou: crap!

Mayor Rose: Shirou! (She is running towards the two of them from a nearby parked car shirou didn't notice land. She has a syringe with a needle attached to it in her hand)

Shirou: Carefully! This one's stronger than usual! (he shouts as he falls into the water, reverting to wolf form as he does)

(while it was off balance from pushing shirou in the water Barbara leaps onto the beastmans neck and injects the cure with a triumphant cry)

Mayor rose: There, it should take effect any second no- (her sentence is cut short as all the wind is knocked out of her and she flies back)

Mayor Rose: (surprised) That wasn't enough...?

Shirou: Mayor! (the rampaging beastman ignores him and walks closer to The Mayor)

Shirou: Crap i won't make it! (he starts running towards them)

Mayor Rose: Time to try this... (she presses a button on her phone and an odd hum can be heard in the distance)

(the beastman raises one fist over his head ready to kill Barbara. Suddenly, it stops)

Shirou: If you can, please run! (shirou steps between the two of them, prepared for another fight)

(The rampaging beastman collapses creating a loud thud as it hits the ground)

Shirou: huh? (he turns to look at the mayor who has a familiar looking drone on standby behind her)

Shirou: Is that...?

Mayor Rose: It is, I've repurposed some of Alan's drones to just cure nyrvasyl syndrome so instead of beast factor remover they now fire the nyrvasyl vaccine.

Shirou: (turning to look at the now shrinking beastman covered in needles) how'd you get so much?

Mayor Rose: I replicated the blood samples I was given by Michiru so we can have some incase the need arises again.

Shirou: i see, this one was stronger. I think it was something other then just nyrvasyl causing it though

Mayor Rose: I'll be sure to look into it, i don't know what i would have done if that hadn't been enough though.

Mayor Rose: The cops should be here soon to detain this fellow, i wouldn't be surprised if it's another member of the cult. You should go back to see how Michiru and Nazuna are doing, they've gone through a lot lately.

Shirou: (realising) Yeah, I have to...

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