24 | My Love

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"How are you two?"

One thing Joy had always loved about her father was that he never did partiality between her and Sehun or Chanyeol, like Mrs Park who only gave importance to her biological son. Even though Sehun was not his own son, Mr Park always treated him like his own.

"I'm fine appa." Sehun hugged Mr Park. "How are you? Did everything go well?"

"Aw my son everything went well," Mrs Park said softly and Joy looked away, their interaction always made her feel the absence of her mother.


She lifted her head and saw Mr Park coming to her with a tight smile. After her mother's death, things have changed between them, he had become distant from her but she was used to it now. She couldn't force someone to love her.

"How have you been?" her father asked, giving her a peck on cheek and she smiled.

"I'm doing just fine," she mumbled. "You two had dinner?" she asked because she wanted to excuse herself hurriedly and prepare for her date.

"Oh no we haven't yet," Mrs Park replied and she nodded before turning around to leave but a nervous feeling hit her stomach at her stepmother's next words and she slowly turned around.

"We are all having dinner together," Mrs Park chirped and her heart dropped in her stomach. "Get ready you two, we're going to Rose Diner," she announced.

"Omma," Joy forced a smile. "You two must be tired, you should rest. We can do it some other tim-"

"No dear, we're doing it tonight," Mrs Park said. "Jeon's are also joining us tonight as it's Mrs Jeon's birthday today, even Jungkook will be there." She gave Joy a strange smile and she frowned.

"But she has plans mom," Sehun as a good brother came to her rescue and Mrs Park made a face.

"She can cancel them." She eyed Joy, carefully. "Can't you baby? I mean we're having family dinner after ages and-"

"If your plans are important then you can leave." Mr Park looked at her straight in the eye and she swallowed hard, shaking her head.

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