36 | Goodbye, My Love

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It was the last day of their junior year.

Taehyung knew it was the last time he was seeing Joy and after that he didn't know when he was going to see her again. She was moving to Seoul with Chanyeol and Sehun. Baekhyun had told him this last month and even though he felt broken at first, he was relieved somewhere.

At least he won't have to see her flirting with others in front of him. He was sick of those dramas and twinkle in her eyes whenever she had gotten a reaction out of him.

"Taehyung, can I talk to you later?" Jimin wrapped an arm around his shoulder and he raised his brows in question.

"Why?" he asked, bored.

"Just drinks and you know our talk," Jimin in his cheerful mood said. "It has been a long time since we sat down and talked... I mean really talked about ourselves."

"There's nothing to talk about." Taehyung shrugged off his hold and walked towards Baekhyun. "Hey Baek." He tried to smile. "You're free after school?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

Baekhyun furrowed his brows. "Taehyung I told you, I was going over Chanyeol's place, you know to say farewell to Sehun and Joy," he replied and Taehyung swallowed hard.

"Oh well, what time?" he asked and put his shaking hands in the pocket of his blazer.

"Around 6," Baekhyun answered. "Why are you asking? Do you need me for something?"

He stepped back and shook his head. "No. I was just... never mind." His heart clenched in pain when he turned around to see Joy smiling at something with Jaehyun and Yeri.

She has forgotten me... his eyes filled with tears and for a second he felt like he won't be able to breathe there as he ran out of room. He tried to control his breathing as his fingers curled around the railing. The mere thought of never seeing her again made him want to jump off the building right now.

"Why did you do it?"

He looked to his side and saw Yeri leaning on railing as she looked at him sharply. The judgment in her tone was enough to tell him that Joy has spilled the news of their relationship to her friend.

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