Chapter 18

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One Year Later ...


"I love you Calvin." I said into the phone.

"I love you more Kaandy." Calvin said back to me. "I gotta get to this meeting but I'll call you when I get the chance."

"Alright babe. Mwuahh!"

"Same to you."

Since the encounter with Suzanne that day, Calvin and I have been inseparable. Ask Kimmy, she'll give you a straight up yes. As of now, I have moved in with Calvin, launched the fashion line and hopefully getting a wedding ring soon. I know, maybe we should wait a little longer but I'm not sure. Don't get me wrong, I love Calvin. It's just should we go ahead and get married or should we wait. Well, whatever Calvin's planning I'm up for it. There have been times where I wanted to leave Calvin because his schedule has been coming into our personal time. But other than that, we've been good. Oh wait, Travis tried breaking us up. I guess that a way of Suzanne to get what she wants. As far as I know, Travis goes with somebody else but he still messes around with her. Never gets old, does it?

On the bright side, Jayd had her baby boy and guess who are the godparents? Not us. It's Mom and Dad. I think that was the wiser choice but that doesn't mean I wasn't upset. Jayd said I could be his Auntie. Auntie Kaandy. I like that. Ken still works at the studio. Chrissy got fired though. Something about selling dope. Whatever, I'm not concerning myself with that. Kimmy has a boyfriend named Shawn and he's funny as hell! Just last week, we all went on a couples' night out and we had an amazing time. Daddy's restaurant is thriving also. He's got a sweet tea line out now and it's selling faster than they can make 'em. I'm happy for him though, he deserves it.

Right now I'm looking at wedding dresses. I came across a stack of magazines in the store and they looked interesting. Plus, I'm trying to make this noticeable to Calvin as possible. For my wedding, I want something small but extravagant. I'm thinking about just inviting close family and friends and we can all fly out somewhere. Calvin will probably pay for everyone, knowing him. He's such a sweetheart. I want to limit the amount of stress on him as much as possible. Even though Travis is still his partner, they don't work as well as they used to so I've been helping him out. Travis needs to suck somebody's dick and maybe that will get him back on track. He acts like he owns WJC. I don't think so. I want Calvin to kick his ass to the curb but the press will have a field day and we don't need anymore drama in the papers. There's already enough surrounding our relationship. That's another reason I wanna have a small private wedding. This type of moment should be intimate, not broadcasted live on TV. I mean we'll tell about our engagement, I don't know about releasing wedding photos.

"Miss Kaandy?" Maya, my personal maid, snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Lunch will be ready in 10 minutes." She smiled.

"Thanks Maya." I said while getting up. I needed to do my hair.

Once I got into the bathroom, I decided on just a plain messy bun. No need to get fancy, just me eating by myself today. I might take my lunch outside and eat it there. I don't know how Calvin would feel about that though. The press is becoming more high strung and more likely to get pass security. He wants me to stay inside for now. Maybe I'll just have lunch on the patio. It's a nice view of the city and I can run inside if any of the press sneaks in. I got my shades and walked back outside on the patio. I asked Maya to just bring my lunch to me. I like having a maid around but sometimes it gets to be too much. I still would like to be able to fend for myself but Calvin insists that I have a maid around to help. I didn't argue, I knew Calvin would've did it regardless, even if I said no.

After lunch I decided to take a nap. I don't know why I'm tired but I am. Hopefully, I'll hear Calvin's phone call when it rings.

Can't believe this is my life now.

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