Chapter 22

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Me, Kimmy, Jayd and little Jayden all went to the mall to do a little shopping. Kimmy especially wanted to do it because Mama has been getting on her nerves. Since I moved out, Kimmy hasn't had anybody to mess with at home and Mama's trying to be my replacement. It's nice that she's trying though.

This is a big ass mall honestly. They have all the good stuff today. I don't know why they didn't have this when I was going on my date with Calvin last year.

"You like your outfit Jayden?" I said. I brought him an outfit and a little something to play with. He nodded his head. He doesn't really talk yet but he understands what you say.

"Thanks for the outfit Kaandy. You didn't have to get it if you didn't want to." Jayd said.

"Girl, please I wanted to. Imma spoil my little nephew." I pinched his cheek.

"He's so cute." Kimmy added. "When are we going to get some pictures Jayd?"

"Soon." She said. "His appointment is next Tuesday."

"Kaandy, how are things going with you and your hubby?" Kimmy asked.



After stopping by my office to get changed, running into Travis along the way, I finally calmed down and am now going to do what I was supposed to do. I'm going over to Kaandy's parents house to ask for their daughter's hand in marriage. I'm a little nervous to be honest. I know that they like me and all but the past is still in their minds as well. What if that hinders me from marrying Kaandy?

I finally made it to the house and my palms are sweating more than usual. I'm trying to calm down but nothing seems to work. Well, he goes nothing.

"Hey Calvin how are you?" Kaandy's mom answered the door.

"I'm doing fine ma'am, and how are you? It's been a while since I saw you last." I said as she gave me a hug.

"It has been a while hasn't it?" She said. "Well, come in then. Let's catch up." I went inside.

40 Minutes Later ...

"Never in a million years would I have thought." She said. "Travis was always a fine young man to me. Well, money is the root of all evil."

"Yes ma'am it is. I try not to get so wrapped up in it. I love to give to others. That's why we started this cooperation basically. We fund other organizations that help almost everybody, young and the elderly."

"Son, you're doing a marvelous job with that company." Kaandy's dad says. "Don't let Travis run it into the ground."

"That's one thing that will never happen. I love that company to death."

"Just like you love Kaandy to death." Kaandy's mom says. "How are you two doing?"

"You aren't doing anything to hurt her are you?" Kaandy's dad asks.

"No sir never that. I love Kaandy too much to do that." I said.

"Just checking." Kaandy's dad says. "That's my baby right there."

Kaandy's their youngest daughter so it makes sense that they would be protective over her. They're the same with Kimmy.

"I treat her like my queen. Well, she is my queen. I never thought I would find someone like her. She's my other half to be honest."

"And you're her other half Calvin." Kaandy's mom says.

"I'm glad you feel like that." I said. "Which brings me to my next topic."

"What's that son?" Kaandy's dad asked.

I pulled the ring out from my blazer pocket and showed it to them. They both gasped in awe.

"I would like to ask for your permission to ask for Kaandy's hand in marriage." I said.


"Calvin and I have been great together. You can see I'm smiling from ear to ear."

"I saw but I didn't say anything." Jayd said.

"He must've put it down real good for you to be happy like this." Kimmy replied.

"Well yeah but that's not the only reason I'm smiling like this." I said.

"Well, spit it out we can't wait any longer!" Kimmy said.

I laughed. "Calvin is a great companion. He's practically like my other half. We were always good friends until the incident, but I think that he has redeemed himself worthy of being my husband."

"So, when's the wedding?" Jayd asked.

"I don't know. I'm just waiting for the ring." I said.


"I would like to ask for your permission to ask for Kaandy's hand in marriage." I said

"Oh wow Calvin. That's a big step." Kaandy's mom said. "Marriage."

"Yes it is." Kaandy's dad added. "Calvin, you're sure you and Kaandy are ready for this?"

"Yes sir we are. Kaandy and I have been through a lot together and it hasn't always been easy. But I know that she's the only one that I want to go on this adventure with."

"Well, I wanna put my input in on this now." Kaandy's mom said. She took my hand. "Calvin, I would be honored for you to be my son-in-law. Kaandy has very strong feelings for you, I can see it. And, I'm glad that you stepped up to the plate to claim your love for her."

"I am too." I said.

Kaandy's dad looked at me. "Calvin, you've grown into such a fine young man. Still can't believe you were once a little tot."

I was really little when I was younger. Kids used to pick at me, that is, until I got to high school.

He paused for a moment. "I'm glad that you have a special interest like this in my daughter. I know she has the same interest as well."

He looked at his wife and smiled. "I think you already know what my answer is as well."

I smiled when he said this line. "Calvin, you have my permission to ask for Kaandy's hand in marriage."

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