Chapter 20

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I woke up to Maya shaking me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You have a visitor." She said. Then she walked back out of the room. I guess to get the visitor ready. I reluctantly got up. I was hoping that Calvin would've called by now. What kind of business meeting takes that long?

I had on a hot pink silk shawl or coat, whatever its called. I also had on flowery booty shorts and a pink crop top. I put on my nerd glasses. I don't honestly think the visitor is someone important because Maya would've told me. I just covered myself up and went downstairs. To my obvious disappointment, it was Travis.

"What are you doing here?" I said as I was halfway down the stairs. I wasn't getting close to him.

"I came to see Calvin. Guess he's not here." He said.

Is he high ?

"You know he went on a business trip, so what are you really here for?" I stated.

"You." He started to walk up the stairs.

"Don't come any closer." I said. I started backing up in the direction of Calvin and I's room.

"Do as she says." Ken's voice came booming from the kitchen. I guess he caught on to the trap and came in from the back.

Travis lifted his hands up. "Alright, I'll leave you alone. Seems like you have security."

"He's not the only security I have Travis. And once Calvin knows what happened, I'm 100% positive that you will never step foot in this house again."

"True that." Ken said. "Don't ever come near her again Travis."

Travis left after that.

I ran downstairs to give Ken a hug. "You don't know how much I needed you right then."

"I overheard Travis talking about going over here. I knew he knew that Calvin was on a business trip and I thought it was a setup to get you. Thank God I got here in time." Ken said.

"When did this happen?" I asked.

"He came to the studio. I didn't know he went with Trina until today. If I had known sooner, I would've told her what's up about Travis. I think she's catching on though. She saw a picture of Suzanne on his phone and she says it's not the first time she's popped up." Ken said.

"Damn, Travis got a good girl but he wanna waste it on trash. It's whatever though, that's him." I said while walking to Bella, my cute dog. I picked her up and said to Ken, "Let's go outside. Bella needs to run."


"So have you talked to Calvin?" Ken asked.

"This morning. He said he was at a business meeting but it's taking longer than I thought."

Just then, Maya came running out with my phone.

"It's Mr. Walker Miss Kaandy. He wants to FaceTime."

Thank Goodness.

I told Maya thank you and picked up the call. A few seconds later, my baby's face popped up.

"Hey babe, I was starting to get worried." I said.

"Why?" He asked. "You know business meetings are long." He laughed.

"Not that long." I laughed along with him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Spending time with bro. Say hey bro." I pointed the camera to Ken. "Wassup?" Ken said.

"Ken, bro, what's happening? We need to chill again soon. Got something I want to talk to you about." Calvin said.

"Alright, meet you at the house?" Ken asked.

"Sounds good." Calvin replied. Then he turned his attention back to me. "Can I see my Kaandy naked?"

"When you get home you can." I said.

"No now." Calvin said. "Imma be tired when I get back home."

"Well, we see about that we you see me lying naked on the bed." I guess y'all already know that Calvin and I have fucked. Honestly, it was amazing. Like, there was so much passion and love between us. That's why we had so many rounds.

"Okay then. Be like that." Calvin said. "I gotta go now, but I'm leaving for the airport. My plane's already there so, I should be home soon alright?"

"Kay love you." I made a kissy face for him.

"Love you too." He smiled.

"So, are we going to hear wedding bells soon or nah?" Ken asked.

"To be honest, I'm ready to marry Calvin. I even laid wedding magazines all over the house so he can get a clue." I laughed.

Ken laughed along with me. "Well that's one way to do it."

"But, I am kinda worried though." I said.


"Suzanne. She's been quiet ever since the incident."

Ken took my hand. "Sis, don't worry about her. Just do what you need to do to get where you want to be. God will handle the rest."

"You sounded like Mama just now." I said.

"I know. I've been hanging around with her a lot lately." Ken said.

"You needed company?" I asked.

"Nah she wanted some company. And being me, I don't have that much time to spend with y'all together so I went over there to be with her."

"Awwww #BondingTime." I said.

I looked down onto my phone. "Uh-oh." I said.

"What is it?" Ken asked.

Travis Jones was seen leaving Walker residence. The worst part about this was Calvin Walker was on a business trip. So, why was Travis over there? Must be getting it in with Walker's girlfriend, Kaandy James. We'll have more about this soon. Check for updates.

"Who did this?" I said. We already have enough drama on our hands.

"Don't worry about it. Calvin's gonna believe you when you tell him what really happened." Ken said.

"No Ken, the fact is that somebody who wasn't supposed to be here was here. Maybe it was Travis." I said as I got up.

"Kaandy don't stress over this. That's what they want you to do......

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