The Morning After..

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I awoke to snoring. My eyes opened to see the beautiful Swedish man and suddenly I remembered everything. The illustrious night we had spent together flooded my mind. Glancing down I study his face, he's warm. I should wake him. Nah, let him be. I ran my fingers through his hair and he jolted awake.
We stared into each others gaze for a moment. "Good morning my sweet~" He smiled. "Good morning Mr. Forge." I giggled.
He jumped out the bed walking over to the bathroom. I got up and fixed the bed sheets, he came out and we cleaned up the dress that was scattered about. I also took the opportunity to get the dried cum off my stomach.
He led me downstairs and went into the kitchen, searching for breakfast food to cook. While he did that I was off picking things up around my home. Gathering laundry. I walked into the kitchen to see he was cooking up a storm.
'He can cook too? What an absolute steal'.
After starting the laundry I watched as he danced around my kitchen. It was too precious. While his back was turned, I sauntered over to him. Wrapping my arms around his backside, feeling his chest. He was still half naked. "Let me get you some clothes sweetheart." I teased. But he declined. "I cook better when I'm in my element, eh heh." He chuckled. I shrugged and walked off.

**Tobias's POV**
'I hope she likes what I made, I'm not too great of a cook'
'She's so sweet, I'm surprised she didn't try to kick me out yet. Perhaps she likes me'
I just want to make this as non awkward as possible. She's very cute though.

**(Y/n)'s POV**
'I'm shocked he didn't leave while I slept'
'He's actually cooking me breakfast in my kitchen. How many men can you say have done that for you?'
He's a keeper that's for sure, don't get your hopes up just yet. Let's see where this goes.

Tobias finished up making a huge breakfast. "(Y/n) come and get it while it's hot!". I leapt out of the dining room into the kitchen to see an array of food in front of me. Taking what I wanted, we sat down together and ate in peace. He stopped eating for a moment to speak. "(y/n) would you like to spend the day with me? if you don't have anything going on of course. I'd like to keep chatting with you, I find you quite interesting." He blushed. 'Did I just make him blush from simple conversing?'. I had almost completely forgotten. During our conversation at dinner he told me all about this band he was in and how they were taking a break from touring. He also mentioned he wouldn't be in town that long. Which made me sad, but business is business. "I'd love to spend the day with you Tobias." I say. "what did you have in mind to do?". He gave me puppy dog eyes of excitement, like he immediately knew where he would take me. It gave me a sense of importance almost, like he was falling for me. Nah, a man like him is way out of my league. But I suppose he is still here after sleeping with me, perhaps there is something here to be explored.

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