A Weird Turn of Events.

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Tobias is actually having a good time at the house party. He came over to me so excited because that guy he was talking to is a massive music lover. He told me that he's Finnish and his name is Gilmar. I just knew this would be good for him, I'm so glad he's made a friend.
Leaving Tobias to Gilmar, I wander around trying to find Brittany. See if she needs any help with anything.
Walking around her upstairs area a figure bumps into me.
"I'm terribly sorry ma'am."
I know that voice.
The tall figure turns around.
Well I'll be damned, it's fucking Martin.
"Hey! I didn't expect to run into you here. I was going to drop by the house tomorrow, but since you're here how are you? Where's Tobias?" He smiles wide.
"We're doing great, he's downstairs making friends. I didn't know you knew Brittany."
"Yeah, we met when we dropped you guys off from the tour. I wanted to tell you I came down here so I can attend the wedding. Alpha is here too, somewhere around here." He chuckles.
It's weird seeing him in normal clothes.
"This party is a little.. Weird don't you think?" Martin looks at me funny.
"A lot of underage looking people here, I think Brittany is the only one here that's our age." Martin wheezes.
"It is pretty strange. But worse case scenario we can just go back to our house and chill out for a bit."
"That's probably gonna happen soon if I don't see more people our age. These young girls keep testing my patience."
He takes a sip of his beer.
"How are you and Kelly doing?"
"I'm glad you asked we're doing fantastic. I brought her with me, but she's staying at a friends house. I tell you (y/n), it's a small world."
"Incredibly small. Is she coming to the wedding too?"
"Of course, I wouldn't go without her." He laughs again.
"I'm going to try and find Alpha." I say.
"I'll come with you."
Searching around her house every room is filled with people. Where the fuck did all these college kids come from? Every room in her house was open for the party, even the garage had people in it.
Trying to find Alpha would prove difficult since he's such a short little thing.
"Ah fuck this. (Y/n) let's just go back to your place. I can call Alpha and have him meet us over there. This is way too fucking nuts."
"I agree. Let me get Tobias and his friend Gilmar. You go to the house."
"Sounds like a plan."
Omega and I part ways. Tobias should still be in the living room, unless Gilmar led him elsewhere.
Too many people, this place got packed quick. I'm being pushed all over the place, where is he?
Reaching for my phone I try to call him, he picks up shockingly.
"Where are you?"
"I'm in the back yard, Alpha is here too!"
He's definitely tipsy.
"Get Gilmar and Alpha and take them back to the house. Omega is here too."
"Martin! This is great little one!!" He's laughing hysterically.
"I'm coming to escort you." I hang up.
In the backyard Tobias has his shirt off double fisting solo cups filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage.
Gilmar and Alpha cheering him on, my goodness he's definitely in his element.
He drops the cups and staggers his way over to me. Grabbing me he holds me close, he reeks.
"My little one, so precious and sweet.."
"Let's get you and the boys back to the house."
"Okay, just.. Come here."
"Tobias I'm right here.." I giggle.
"Well get closer to me."
Tobias is drooping himself over me, preventing me from walking forward. Somehow I manage to get him out in the road through all these youngsters. Gilmar and Alpha lead the way while Tobias tries to slow dance with me in the middle of the street.
He needed this tonight.

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