The Big Boy Omega.

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**Martin's POV**
Being in Iowa wasn't so bad, but I hated the weather. Way too cold for me. I'm excited about our last show, I know for sure it'll be the best one out of all of them. On the plane ride (y/n) kept talking about going home with Tobias and how she wasn't sure what she wanted to do. The wedding was the first part and the rest would follow suit. Me and Kelly were invited, Kelly was the maid of honor. I tell ya, I couldn't stop thanking (y/n) for hooking me up with Kelly. I wonder how Vanessa is making it along these days? Moving on.
The show was in a few hours and this time around I bunked with (y/n), mostly just to piss Tobias off. It's fun messing with him when it comes to her, she gets a kick out of it too.
Mountain and I ended up walking the halls of the hotel, we had all agreed staying at the hotel was a dumb idea. It would be easier just to sleep on the bus but Paul had already set everything up. I swear that guy is OCD. I can't say I blame him though, everything has to go according to schedule so what does it really matter? Water came out to join our pacing back and forth. "I'm so excited to get back to Sweden. I miss my wife." Alpha chimes in. Scaring the shit out of Water. "I kinda miss Nebraska, the people are so lively there." Says Mountain. "I want to be back in Vegas!" Exclaims Water. Alpha being the short stack he is tries to hit Mountain. Mountain retaliates by attempting to pick him up. We're interrupted by Tobias and Jackson walking up questioning the situation. "Where's (y/n) Martin?" Tobias quick to notice she wasn't in the circle. "She's right here.". She steps away from my side smiling at Tobias. " Oh, you're so short I couldn't see you." He chuckles. "Yeah, we'll have to get her and Alpha little bells to hang off of them." I snicker. They both hit me. Out of nowhere Paul shows up, ranting and raving about this and that. Escorting us down to the venue it was a little small. The stage was anyway. This would definitely prove challenging, but hey I'm all for it. Everyone went their separate ways trying to rehearse and prepare. I went back to our dressing room and chilled with Water. Strumming a few chords, Alpha comes bursting out of the restroom. Butt ass naked, he's running away from Mountain who has a towel in his hands. Spinning it around trying to smack him with it. Fuckin' idiots. I throw a look over at Water who shrugs and giggles. He plucks a few chords and here they come again, this time Alpha had the towel trying to smack Mountain with it. With their shenanigans going on I made my way to the halls behind the stage, Water by my side. Stepping out on stage we take our places awaiting the two naked ninjas to join us. Papa was impatiently tapping his toes, until his wife came out on stage and kissed him. Then he got all theatrical, they're a good match for each other. I want what they have with Kelly.

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