A Surprise Visit.

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It hasn't been a full week of us being home and the ghouls had called Tobias. They pleaded to come over and drink, maybe play some games. Tobias of course was overjoyed knowing the ghouls missed hanging out. I was excited as well, we all had some catching up to do. Jackson unfortunately wouldn't be attending, he had another job keeping him busy. But he'd be at the wedding.
I set up the house with a few board games, also setting out a variety of drinks. Tobias was running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off. I couldn't tell if he was hyper or just being goofy.
"Tobias!" I yell. The footsteps stop.
"Yes my dear?" He yells back.
"Come here!" Loud thumps approach the living room. Tobias pops his head around the corner. "Sweetheart, what are you doing? Come here." I smile. His face turns red and he steps away from the doorframe. He's dressed up like some sort of pimp. The moment he steps out so I can see him I burst into laughter. He frowned.
"I thought it would be a nice change, why are you laughing?"
"Because you look absolutely ridiculous with that hat on, the rest of it is fine. Just take that pimp hat off please."
"Pimp hat? This isn't a pimp hat."
"Well it sure looks like one, you wanna keep it on be my guest. But don't expect me to take you seriously." I giggle. He growls.
"Don't be so upset darling, I'm sure your girls will make you enough money to buy a different hat." I snarl.
"That's really mean." He grabs his chest and fake cries.
Taking his hat off he goes back upstairs to put it away. Coming down he helps me finish the setup. Only three of them were supposed to be coming, but if I know them they'll all be here. Probably not at the same time, some are fashionably late (Alpha). I expect Omega and Mountain to come in first, then Water. Alpha, Swiss, and Air I expect to show up extremely late. Waiting for the boys to pull up Tobias embraces me from behind. His arms wrapped around my waist, clasping his gloved fingers together. Pressing his chin into my shoulder, he kisses my neck. "Are you excited to be my lawfully wedded wife?" I feel his warmth beaming from his cheeks. "What kind of question is that? Of course I'm excited." I smile and kiss his cheek.
The wedding was only a few days away, I'll be so sad the boys won't be there.
Tobias invited them, but Omega and Jackson would be the only ones able to attend. I'm overjoyed at the thought of being married. My dreams were coming true, after all this time.
Canoodling with Tobias I see two cars pull up, and the eager ghouls jump out. Water had brought a gift, I wonder what it was. As they walked to the front door I open it, greeting them with open arms. After the pleasantries were settled we sat down on the couches, drinking whatever alcohol we could grab first. For these to be Swedish men they sure act like they're Irish.
Tobias can't hold his liquor though, neither could Water. Go figure. The two party people were the first to pass out during drinking games.
A few beers and wine glasses later there was a tipsy atmosphere set into place. With a knock at the door I attempt to get up and answer it, but Tobias pulls me back down into his lap. With a sensual grin on his face he pulls me close to kiss me, I push him away when the alcohol on his breath hits me. Answering the door in comes Mountain, Alpha and Air. Leaving only Swiss to be late. I'm shocked.
The ghouls end up spending the night, staying in the spare bedrooms. Tobias went out if his way to fuck me some kind of rough that night, I'm sure they heard us. He always has a tendency to get very territorial when he's drunk, like he feels the need to prove himself. Smothering me in love and affection, especially when I was around other men. It was cute when Tobias was jealous.

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