The Missing Ghuleh Pt. 2

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His embrace on me was tight. I felt as if I were suffocating. Looking up from his shoulder I see the boys all standing there with their arms crossed, disappointed looks on their faces. I knew I had some explaining to do, I shouldn't have listened to that little weasel. But I also didn't think Tobias would be so distraught over me.
"(Y/n) where exactly did you go? And why didn't you tell anyone? We were all worried sick about you, your husband has been a complete fucking train wreck." Mountain lecturing me. Tobias was still sobbing. "I'll catch you up to speed in a minute, I need some alone time with Tobias right now." I say.
They exit the room closing the door behind them. Pulling Tobias's head off my shoulder I make him meet my gaze. I pull off his mask, his face is red. He looked more tired than usual. "Tobias I know you aren't very happy with me right now. Regan gave me his number that night at the bar, he said he had something important to discuss with me. He told me about Melissa." I said. The moment I said her name his facial expression changes to something fierce. He looked pissed. Without another word he picks up my phone and calls him. I let myself out of the room for a moment and tell the boys where I've been.
After about 45 minutes of arguing back and forth he comes out, with a redder face than before. Looking at me he apologizes for not saying something sooner to me about Melissa. "I would've like to have kept her in the past, mostly because you are my future. She is no longer apart of my life and I felt it wasn't the right time to say something about it." He says. Forgiving him we embrace, for a while. He must've really missed me.

**Tobias's POV**
Hugging my beautiful wife my worries melted away. I should've known he would try something, but I guess he wasn't man enough to do it in front of me. That just shows me what our friendship meant to him. No matter. She was back and that was all I cared about, I hope the ghouls didn't tell her about my little melt down on stage. Not that she'd make fun of me or anything but it's a little embarrassing.
I want to go home already. Not back to the hotel, but home. I missed her quiet little house and the fact that there weren't all these men around. It was just me and her. The way it should be. I loved (y/n), I couldn't stand being away from her. Today taught me to never let her out of my sight, still giving her freedom but keeping a very close eye on my dear girl.

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