Last Day in Town

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(Y/n) had just moved down to Iowa and was already leaving with a charming stranger, two weeks after meeting him. But to be fair the illuminating man was none other than Tobias Forge.
Packing your belongings you load up your vehicle. You and Tobias would be driving seperate but meeting at the same place. (Y/n) had never been apart of something as special as this, touring with such a phenomenal band. On the 5 1/2 hour drive you think about everything that's conspired in the past two weeks. From the amazing sex to the gorgeous man you were now in a relationship with, or so you assumed you were. That's something you'd have to discuss with Tobias later on.
It was obvious there were Sparks between you two, but if you've learned anything you should never assume. The pertrusive thoughts kept hitting left and right. Before you knew it you were only an hour away. Your heart started to race, mostly in excitement but also in fear. You didn't want to ruin anything beings as that Tobias worked so hard to make it so you'd be able to join. It would break your heart to know you disappointed him in any way. Tobias meant so much more to you than you realized, from the long nights you two shared to the empty yet blissful silences. Getting back on track you think about the shows and what they'll be like. Your heart fluttered at the thought of seeing him perform, the costume and everything was so much more than meets the eye.
Suddenly you were approaching a building that looked a little outdated. Pulling up beside Tobias you exit your vehicle. A few men come out of the building and start unloading your things, packing them in a seperate space with what looked like other people's belongings.
Being the curious cat you are you make your way around to the buildings entrance only to be stopped by a burly man. You give the man your name and he lets you through. The moment you walk through the doors all eyes were on you. Silence filled the room. Then without hesitation the people went about their business. Your heart was beating out of your chest and Tobias was nowhere in sight.
A hand grasps your shoulder, it's a tallish figure. "You must be (y/n), it's a pleasure to finally meet you! Tobias speaks so highly of you, he honestly doesn't shut up about ya." He let's out a deep chuckle. "I hope they're only good things, correct me if I'm wrong but you're Omega right? Martin was it?".
"That's me alright, how'd you know? You must've done your research, huh?" He chuckles again. "Are you looking for your lover? He just got taken back for a wardrobe check.". " Wardrobe check? Where would that be happening?" I asked. "We just make sure we have all of our gear before hitting the road, Papa has many different robes to keep up with. His room should be down that Hall there, third door on your left." He points to the Hall. "Thank you Martin." "Anytime (y/n)!".
What a polite first encounter, if the rest of the group was as nice as Omega this would go over quit swimmingly for you.

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