The Ice Cream Surprise.

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Heading to new York there were a few shall we say, bumps. Omega and Mountain got into it again. The bus broke down with two flat tires. We were now and hour and half behind schedule, need I say more?
It was a bad start to the day but the group didn't let it get to them. Now two hours behind schedule we were halfway there, caught in traffic. There had been a horrific accident not too far ahead of the bus. No big deal, we still have about 10 hours until the show. Rehearsal might get cut short though.
Finally getting through traffic we make it there with only 6 hours to spare. Rushing to get the stage ready, the ghouls practiced in their private room. The show approached quickly and we watched the venue slowly fill up. The stage was outside in the middle of a field, it almost looked like the chili cook off. Patrons with beers in their hands lined up getting their places.
Running over to another building where the ghouls and Papa were kept, I barged in. The show was starting in less than 45 minutes, now was the time for last minute calls. Making sure the ghouls had every thing they needed they were escorted to an area behind the stage. It was a tent over a large piece of pavement. Tables scattered about. Other bands were gathered there as well, one at a time going on stage for about 25 minutes then coming back out. Papa was the only one left who hadn't come out. Paul had asked me to get him. Running back over to the other building, out of breath I search every room. Papa is nowhere to be found. With now 28 minutes to the show I started to panic. Now helping me search was Mountain and Jackson. Meeting back up behind the stage we had nothing. He'd vanished, completely. But in his room was his regular clothes he'd worn earlier. So finding a man dressed up as a satanic pope wouldn't be hard.
With Paul yelling in our headsets, someone had spotted him. He'd snuck off to an ice cream vendor. Walking to the back stage area was Tobias carrying two cones. Handing one to me, he finishes his and warms up his voice. 'What in the name of-'. "Whats the meaning of this?". You ask. " Just eat it~" He winks. While eating the ice cream I noticed something strange. There was something in there. Pulling the piece out of your mouth, you lick the excess ice cream off. Discovering it was none other than a ring. 'This was it? This was the way he chose to do it?' 'This is too fucking cute!!!' . Giggling like a school girl (y/n) puts it on, screaming in fits of pure joy. Tobias was lurking nearby, smiling to himself.
After the performance the ghouls had set up a party for the newlyweds. Drinking and laughing the ghouls got lost in some karaoke. Omega of course out singing them all with ABBA's Dancing Queen.
Tobias had dragged me outside to talk. With his hand in mine he apologized for the timing of it. "I was planning on proposing in Russia, I know how much you love the cold. That would've been the most romantic way to do it, eh heh." He says nervously. "I'm just as happy as I could be, the ring is perfect.". "I'm so glad you like it, I knew you'd want something simple.". Hugging me tight he grins. " I told you you'd be mine little one~". Going home you and your new husband spend the evening "celebrating".

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