Trouble in Bismarck.

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Heading to Bismarck, North Dakota Martin had managed to get Vanessa on board again. This time she'd be staying with us the rest of the way. The boys were slightly unamused. There wasn't any thing wrong with Vanessa, but she was just a little much at times. Her mood swings were unbelievable. She could be the sweetest girl on earth one minute and then the next an absolute she devil. She also couldn't be left unattended for too long or she'd start messing with things. Again nothing wrong with that, but she'd be alone with something and then it'd go missing or end up breaking.
The bus ride wasn't all that bad except for the fact that she tried to make a pass at Tobias when Omega wasn't looking. I just sat back and watched how he handled it, he made it very obvious he was not interested but yet she continued. Bending over trying to press herself against him he'd take a step back. Continuing this process Omega finally turns around and catches her. Immediately they get into an argument. Taking the argument to the back of the bus, they went on and on. To the point where the boys and I were uncomfortable. Jackson stopped the bus. Letting us get off they just keep going at it, until complete silence. Either Omega had said something and was about to get knocked into next week, or she found a way to shut him up. The doors to the bus open and Omega walks out with her on his shoulder. 'Did he knock her out?!'. Martin now beyond pissed off takes her to the rest stop we had parked at. Setting her down on a bench he walks back to the bus, stomping. Jackson getting the hint jumps back on board and we hit the road. 'I can't believe he'd just leave her there. What the fuck even happened? Did he knock her out? Did she pass out? What the fuck?'. She was supposedly acting like a whore so I have all the respect in the world for him for kicking her to the curb. He deserves better than that. After 45 minutes of silence he speaks. "I'm sorry I just left her there, but I'm over it and her shit. I shouldn't have let her join us. She'd been flirting with our stage hands and then you Tobias and I just couldn't take it anymore. I banged her head up against the wall. Not hard, just enough to knock her out. Whenever she gets up we're done. I'm fuckin' over it."
"I didn't even realize she was that bad, she seemed so nice." Mountain said. Another few moments of silence and Omega's phone rang. There was no doubt in my mind it was Vanessa. He didn't even answer it, the phone kept ringing so he cut it off. Looking over at Tobias he was sitting next to Omega, on the other side was Alpha trying to cheer him up. He seemed really bummed about the whole incident. It gave me a brilliant idea. 'What if I set him up with my friend Kelly?'. She's a sweet girl, but maybe now wouldn't be the best time to do that. After the next show I'll mention it to him, he needs some time to himself to get his head straight. Over the span of 3 days she managed to push every button Martin had.

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