Home at Last..

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The bus ride home was something to remember. The ghouls doing everything in their power to make it special for all of us. Lots of drinking and board games. Even cards against Humanity. But of course the bus ride wasn't very long, Jackson stalled the ride a little while. Just to have more time with all of us before we dispersed.
At long last we were home, back at my home in Des Moines. Our home.
Getting off the bus we wave goodbye to the ghouls, Jackson driving off. Tobias began to walk inside, but I stayed out. Just staring up at my house enjoying the cold night. I could see my breath in the air. He turned around and asked me what I was doing. "What're you staring at my sweet?" He giggles and walks back over to me. Standing beside me he tries to see what I see. I feel his eyes on me and I turn to look at him. "Is something wrong?" He asks, a concerned look on his face. Something warm flowed down my cheeks, tears. Why was I crying?
Tobias embraces me, wiping away my tears with his thumb. "What happened? Are you alright? Please talk to me."
I couldn't speak. Something overwhelming came over me, this indescribable feeling was washing over me like a wave. A piece of me felt afraid to marry Tobias. But the rest of me knew if I didn't I'd regret it, I could see us having that life I've dreamed of. Happily married, two kids, and a small home in the middle of nowhere. We were halfway there. I honestly felt sick to my stomach at the thought of losing Tobias. I stood my ground and kept myself together. Looking at Tobias I feel my heart flutter, the exact same way it did the first time I saw him. His concerned look softened, a smile forming on his face as he pulls me close. We were home, and we would be married. I'd finally have my happily ever after, no one was going to take this from me. Not even my own self doubt.
Walking into the house, nothing had changed. The feeling of us leaving wasn't present, it's as if we never really left. We unpack our things and I rush into the kitchen to see what I can whip up for dinner. Tobias came in smiling with something held behind his back. "What've you got there Mr.Forge?" I smile. "Just a little present for you Mrs.Forge~" He pulls back a long black gown, the same one he'd bought me way back when. Grabbing my hand he guides me upstairs to change. I put the gown on while Tobias dresses up in something nice and snazzy. "I want to take you out to dinner, to celebrate our last night being boyfriend and girlfriend. And to embrace our new life of husband and wife." My face lights up bright red. He was an absolute true helpless romantic. Before we leave he makes sure to caress every part of me, especially in the car. He couldn't keep himself off of me for the time being. About halfway through our meal he stops and sets his utensils down. Pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket, he reads it aloud. A poem he'd written for me. Blushing as he finishes that one he pulls out another. I ask him where he got all of these. "My love I've been writing poems about you in my spare time during our tour. Especially on the long drives, all I could think about was you. You were the only thing on my mind, and I thought if I wrote some of these things down it would help. But it didn't, it just made me think of you more. Eh heh." He blushed.

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