An Unwelcome Guest

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**Suggestive Situations**

From the Cincinnati, Ohio show over to Las Vegas, Nevada the group struggled. The Ohio show did not go as expected. We were thrown out of the venue because of Papa's lewd behavior. Granted he was like that at every show, he was a bit more vulgar this go round. I believe he had too much wine. Paul was furious of course but we weren't banned, so we'd have to do better the next time. Tobias beat himself up over the show, but to be fair we got kicked out about fifteen minutes before it was over. We had really only missed two songs, and a little intermission for his pep talk.
Still he was upset. But the ghouls and I cheered him up with a night on the town. Tobias wasn't a very sociable person in a town like Las Vegas so we stuck to smaller attractions, just to keep him in good spirits. After a few hours he was back to himself, partying and having a blast. Presently we were at a metal club, they played everything from Vader to Iron Maiden. I was beyond shocked and honestly didn't want to leave. I ended up staying after the boys went back to the hotel. Enjoying the atmosphere and music I was approached by a well dressed man. Letting him babble on I tuned him out. His attempts to flirt with me failed, he made me so uncomfortable I left.
Walking back to the hotel I spot Jackson walking towards me, he was looking at his phone. Stopping him I asked what he was doing out so late, said he was visiting a friend. Not pushing the boundaries I let him go about his business. Entering the hotel I stumbled a little. Making my way into the elevator there was a guy behind me, he was sketch so I stayed close to the wall. Getting off on my floor, he followed. Trying not to panic I quicken my pace to our room. All of us were staying in the same place. Getting to the door a hand pushes me up against the wall. Face first into the door, he grabs me. My face twinges and I scream. Opening the door I fall into Omega's arms and Water steps out. Omega dragged me away from the door. Tobias was in the back of the room at the table playing board games. Seeing the trouble he runs to the door only to be pulled back by Mountain. Water questioning the man standing before him. With him backing off I assume they said something intimidating. I was locked into Omega's grip. His hand running through my hair saying it was okay, I whimper a bit trying to get my bearings. That strange man had touched me in a way that left me feeling wilted. Tobias came in with a red face pulling me away from Omega and into his arms. "Did he do anything to you? I swear I'll find that motherfucker and stomp a mud hole in him." He says, fuming.
After calming down I joined the boys in their board games. Thinking back to a few moments ago I realized I'd never seen Tobias get so angry. The way he swore he'd punish that man for touching me, it left me feeling wet. In attempts to get Tobias away from the ghouls I snuck him into the bathroom and jerked him off. Biting his neck and leaving bruises all over his chest.
I guess the others heard us because when we walked out their faces were red. Water, Omega and Alpha about pissed themselves laughing. The others had no words, the rest of the game was spent in a sort of awkward silence until Omega spoke up. Saying we were dirty whores and blasphemers. He chuckled, then fell off his chair into a fit of laughter. I swear sometimes he cracks himself up, these boys were the absolute life of the party.

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