A Few Days in... He's Quite the Catch

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Just two days ago we had made sweet love, and then he cooked me a feast. Who in the world was this guy? He's perfect, a little too perfect. I wonder what goes through his mind when he's here with me.
He'd been staying at my home. He took me to the hotel he was staying at and I pleaded him to stay with me. After all it was cheaper... With some *ahem* easier access. He spent his time in my home just as quiet as a field mouse. I'd often forget he was there, until he would come into my room to lay on my bed and watch me work. It was adorable the way he looked up at me. Those gorgeous eyes stared straight into my soul. I didn't want him to leave. I tried my best not to think about it and just tried to enjoy our time together.
He was sweet and endearing, offering me advice here and there. The way he spoke was so lively, and so opinionated yet wise. So genuine and light hearted. I thought he'd be a sly dog trying to have his way with me every chance he got. But it was just slight passes every now and then. Like he was keeping his distance and respecting my personal space. Although it's nice to have my space I wanted him to make a move. That night we spent together never really left my mind.
I didn't see myself falling in love with someone of his nature. But he was just weird in all the right ways. He had a few little things, nothing major.

**Tobias's POV**
I was sitting down in her living room when I heard a loud thud come from upstairs. I called out to (y/n) but got no response. Rushing up the stairs I found her on her bathroom floor hugging her side, the counter was a mess and her carpet was halfway across the room.
"(Y/n) are you alright?" I say, crouching down and picking her up off the floor.
"I'm fine, I slid in here and tripped on the carpet. Damn thing." She says. "Do you need to go to the hospital?". " No, it's just a bruise. Nothings broken."."Aren't you a knight in shining armour?" She chuckled.

I stood up and Tobias wrapped his arms around me to steady me. He pulled my shirt up and checked my sides, they were turning a dark shade of brown. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?" He says with a concerned look upon his face. "I'll be fine, really. Just need to get some pills in me.". He cupped his hand on my cheek. Forcing me to gaze into his eyes. It felt like a sort of trance. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. Then planted another on the tip of my nose. One for each cheek, and then one big one on the lips.
Pulling back he stares at me. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on (y/n). You truly make me feel at home. I don't want to leave here. Would you come with me? On tour with us I mean. I'd love to have you eh heh. I know it's sudden but I want you there for each show." He says looking ever so lovingly in your eyes, grasping you hand and squeezing it tight. "I thought you guys were on break from touring?" I ask. "We are, but it's coming off of a break. We'll be back on the road shortly." He says with a growing frown upon his face.

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