Where's My Wife?

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**Tobias's POV**
In my sleepy state, I wake to the sounds of an alarm going off. Opening my eyes and glancing over I see the tiny little alarm clock. 7:45 in the morning. I made plans to spend the day with (y/n), I found a few things she might be interested in seeing while we're still here. We had two days left in Germany, then it was back home with my sweet. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to get home for our wedding.
Reaching over I snooze the alarm and roll over searching for her warmth. There's nobody there, just cold sheets. I sit up in my slightly hungover stupor looking around to see if she was here. Calling out her name I get no response, worried I jumped out of bed almost tripping over my own feet. She's not here, and I don't see any kind of note telling me where she went. Checking my phone I see there's nothing new, no missed calls or texts. Now panicked I call Omega to see if maybe she went over there. He answers but says he hasn't seen or heard from her, he offers to help me search.
Having checked every ghouls room my wife is no where to be found. We've been looking for over 4 hours and at this point I'm ready to break down and cry. The boys joined me back in my room, when I walk in I see a few bags lying on the table. I hadn't put them there, so where the hell did they come from? Smiling I run into the bedroom only to find its just Paul. He had been informed of the situation and decided to come and take a look for himself. "Listen Tobias, I'm real sorry this is happening to you right now. But we need to get down to the venue to rehearse. Who knows? Maybe she made her way over there." He says. With tears forming in my eyes I refused going to the venue. How could I possibly rehearse when my wife is missing? What if something happened to her? I need to find her. Mountain pulls me aside and convinces me to go, saying we could look for her after we change. I agreed. Racing over there I try to begin my search, but I'm dragged by the wrist to our room forced to change into my Papa wardrobe. Throwing it on I rush out the door, looking around the empty halls I try searching each room. I'm then pulled away and pushed on stage, at this point I'm cracking up. I can hardly stand and there's a hard knot forming in my throat. Where could she be? Is she hiding from me? Did I do something wrong? And then it happened. I fell to my knees, hands mangled into my hair. With tears streaming down my face under the mask. My ghouls around me trying to comfort me, it didn't help. I lay there on the stage floor a complete mess, bawling at the thought of something bad happening to her. What if she left me for a reason? Where was she?

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