The Watertower

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We had one day left in town before leaving and heading off to Nashville, Tennessee. Where the first day of the tour started. Tobias had a lot on his mind, he kept to himself for a bit, I questioned myself believing I'd done something wrong. Perhaps I said something that upset him? But what exactly?

**Tobias's POV**
I've been stressed out here lately, trying to get the tour straight. Moving things around to bring (y/n), but she's worth it. It'll all be worth it when I can profess my feelings to her and make her mine.
'She'd need a place to sleep on the bus, she could bunk with me~'
'I'll get the stage manager to set her up with something simple. I want her to be there every step of the way'
'We could stay in nearby hotels when I get her going~'
'Get your mind out of the gutter Jens'
I chuckle to myself. I should speak with (y/n) I've been unnecessarily coy with her. The stress tends to bring out the worst in me.

I was in the kitchen fixing some dinner for me and Tobias when I heard footsteps come down the stairs. I turned my head to see him round the corner, he was dressed up like he was heading off somewhere. He came in with a sad look on his face, he cupped his hands behind his back and slowly made his way over to me. I looked at his saddened face and asked "What's wrong?". To which he replied with a heartfelt apology. "(Y/n) I sincerely apologize for the way I've been acting towards you. I've just been thinking quite a bit about you coming on tour with us, eh heh heh. I've been rearranging some things to make it easy for you when we leave. Everything's all worked out, I even got you a job backstage to keep you near my darling." He winked at me and cupped his hands on my face. 'That tone of voice was familiar, his Italian papa cover coming out'. That's the part I was looking forward to the most, hearing that dastardly sensual voice. As well as the Sweeny Papa character that came with it. Zoning back to Tobias standing in front of me he spoke again. "I'd like to take you somewhere, somewhere that's special to me that I know you'll enjoy." "I would love that baby, where are you planning on taking me?". " That my dear is for me to know and for you to find out.". He took my hand and kissed it, smiling like an idiot.
"Can we eat this meal I've cooked first?"
He smiled and wrapped his arms around me pulling me close. "Ofcourse."
After stuffing our faces and cleaning up he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house. Driving along we pass the down town area and head off to a more rural part of Iowa. Nothing but cornfields, I hadn't explored this far out before. Beings as I spent the little time I'd been here with Tobias.
The car came to a stop and Tobias just looked over at me smiling. "Well, what do you think?". " It's a water tower Toby, is there some sort of deeper meaning to this? Is this like a happy place for you?" I say. "This is where I come to think when we visit here, the band ventures off more uptown. I prefer it down here. This place is very special to me (y/n) I'm happy I can share it with you." He places his hand on yours, getting out the car you approach the watertower hand in hand.
"It means everything to me that you can share this place. I can see why you like it so much. It's breathtaking." I say, placing my head on his shoulder. Pecking his neck with a few kisses.

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