House Party..

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With Tobias and I being home, we finally had time to catch up with old friends and make plans. As well as invest in other businesses since touring was done for a while. Of course I still had my job at a local warehouse nearby, I think Tobias is more interested in at home things. He wants me to quit so I'll be closer to him at all times, but I needed my job because it was how I made my money. I absolutely refuse to quit and live off of him.
In the past few months he's gotten more protective and reserved when it comes to me. We're about to get married in a few days and he's managed to attach himself directly to my hip.
I want him to loosen up a bit and be more social. Yes he has plenty of friends, but very few he hangs out with. Prior to moving in with me.
Eventually he'll come out of his shell, I'll make sure of that.
My coworker Brittany is having a house party tonight. Like something college styled, even though she's a little older than me. No shame in her cougar game.
I'll get a few drinks in him and help him mingle. For him to have been here so many times he doesn't know too many people. Not even the guy at the record shop.
No matter, it's my job as his future wife to make sure he's okay.
Tobias not hanging out with anyone is not okay, Tobias shutting himself away from the world is not okay. Even though the ghouls were just here, he went wherever I went.
I'm worried about him.
Coming in from a long days work I check the time, 6:45.
An hour and a half until the party.
Going upstairs into our bedroom I change out of my work attire and shower.
Tobias comes in while I'm applying lotion. "How was work today?"
"Busy as usual. What about you? What've you been up to?" I smile.
"Oh nothing really, got some reading done. Where are you going tonight?"
"I just wanted to go out for some drinks. You going to join me?"
"I suppose a few drinks shouldn't hurt, but who's going to drive?"
"It's right up the street, we don't need to drive. If we can't walk home Brittany said we can stay in her guest bedroom."
"Is something the matter Tobias?"
I place the lotion back in the cabinet, walking over to dresser and putting some fresh panties on.
"No, I was just hoping we'd stay in tonight." He looks down at the floor.
"Baby, we stay in every night. Please just come with me."
I turn around in my underwear and walk over to him, picking his chin up and firmly holding it in place.
His eyes are wide and he's staring at my boobs.
"If you come with me tonight you have a good chance of getting some action~"
He smiles. "Okay, okay. I'll go. But I'm going to complain the whole time."
Putting on some comfy clothes me and Tobias head over to her house a little early.
As we walk in there is already quite a few people here. They all look like prepubescent teenagers.
Heading upstairs I find Brittany in her room.
"Hey Chica!"
She turns around all giddy and smiling.
"Hey! I'm so happy you guys made it. Just in time too, we're about to start some games while the DJ figures his equipment out. Because for some reason he acts like he's never done this before." She laughs.
I can tell she's nervous.
I see Tobias grabbing some beer and a guy is talking to him. A couple minutes go by and he's still over there chatting it up, I knew this would be good for him.

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