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Lucifer led the detective into his penthouse, all the while kissing her. After their kiss when she told him he wasn't the Devil to her, she suggested that they take this elsewhere. He immediately brought her back to the penthouse.

Chloe backed up towards Lucifer's bedroom as they kissed until they were safely inside. She then began taking his jacket off.

Lucifer easily slipped out of his jacket and helped the detective remove his vest before breaking their kiss and looking at her. "Are you certain you want to do this now?"

Chloe laughed. "After the amount of times you tried to get me into bed, I'm surprised you're hesitant."

"Oh, I'm not hesitant, Darling. I'd love nothing more than to show you what ecstasy comes from sex with the Devil, but I figured you'd want to talk. I'm prepared to tell you the truth about me now," Lucifer said.

"We can talk later. Nothing you could say would change my mind about this," Chloe said. She'd wanted this for so long, even if she tried to deny it. Pierce was no more than a stand in. She'd like to say she loved him, but she didn't. She used him, and she was sorry for that. This was what she truly wanted.

Lucifer smirked. "Well, then, Detective, I believe you should undress," he said as he began unbuttoning his shirt.

Chloe smiled flirtatiously and then jumped on the bed. "Oh, I think you should do that for me."

"I concur," Lucifer said devilishly before advancing on her with a glint in his eyes.


One month later found Chloe sitting in her hotel room in Rome with a worried look on her face. Much had changed since that night with Lucifer. She'd gotten the call about Charlotte's death less than an hour after she and Lucifer made love. That led to a series of events that eventually led to Chloe seeing Lucifer's other face and realizing the truth. And it had led to the moment she was in right now.

Chloe looked down at the small object that was in her hands. It was funny that such an object had the potential change her life forever, as if that hadn't already happened. And she knew that this would change her life once again. She knew the signs, and she'd been experiencing them for over a week. She'd tried to wish them away, but deep down, she knew.

Chloe took a deep breath and lifted the object, so she could get a better look at it. A home pregnancy test that indicated she was indeed pregnant.

Chloe sighed. This was news that would've changed her life no matter what. There was no doubt that a child changed your life. She already had a child, but another would certainly change her life as well. However, this was even more life altering. She was carrying the Devil's baby. The Antichrist. At least she thought she was. She supposed it could be Pierce's.

Chloe laughed. "Like that's any better. I'm either carrying the Devil's kid or the first known killer's," she said to herself. She was pretty certain it wasn't Pierce's child though. They'd used protection. She and Lucifer hadn't. That night had happened so quick that neither of them even gave it a thought. She would have to find out the conception period, but she was positive the child was Lucifer's. She had been knocked up by the Devil.


Chloe sat in the doctor's office after tests and an ultrasound were performed. Luckily, she was able to get a doctor who understood English.

"You are doing well, but you should find a doctor when you get back to the States for the duration of your pregnancy. Here is a picture of the ultrasound," the doctor said before handing Chloe a picture.

"Thank you," Chloe said before taking it. She smiled as she looked at it. She'd been terrified before the ultrasound, but that changed when she saw her baby on the screen. Well, sort of. She was still scared, but she already knew she'd love her child, no matter what it might be. "Do you know how far along I am?"

"About four weeks," she said.

"Your certain it's four weeks?" Chloe asked. She needed as close to an exact timeline as she could get. She needed to know for sure whose child she was carrying. There was about a two to three-week difference between when she slept with Pierce and Lucifer.

"Well, three to four," the doctor said.

"But no later than that?" Chloe asked. That meant it was definitely Lucifer's.

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but is the paternity of your baby in question?"

"No. Thank you," Chloe said before standing and heading out of the room

Chloe sighed once she got outside. She wasn't sure what to do now. She knew she was keeping her child, but she had no idea what that was going to entail. How was she supposed to care for a supernatural child? And what about Lucifer? Was she going to tell him? Just days ago, she was considering helping him be sent back to Hell.

Chloe's eyes suddenly got wide as she thought of something. Father Kinley. He'd spent the last few weeks trying to convince her of how evil Lucifer was. That he had to be sent back to Hell for the good of humanity. He was determined to see it happen. What would he say if he found out she was carrying Lucifer's child? Something told her he would not be pleased.

Chloe felt uneasy. She wasn't sure he'd do anything, but her mother instincts were already in overdrive. She didn't think she should risk anything when it came to her baby's life. Father Kinley was a concern she didn't need. She didn't want to call him a danger, but she definitely had to consider that he might be. There was no telling what someone like him, who thought the Devil was evil, would do in the presence the Devil's child.

As if on cue, Chloe's phone rang. She took it out and saw Father Kinley's name on the screen. She immediately put it back in her pocket. She then made the quick decision that it was best for her to go get Trixie and get as far away from Rome as possible. She was going to play it safe and make sure Father Kinley didn't find out about her child. She was going back to LA. She didn't know what she was going to do once she got there, especially where Lucifer was concerned, but she was going home to figure it out

Note: this story is not mine. Its by @jasonmorguafan. I love this story so I thought of posting it in this website.

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