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Chloe walked into the NICU with Lucifer right next to her. She'd been officially released from the hospital, but she wanted to see her baby before she left. She hadn't wanted to, but she finally gave in when Lucifer argued with her about her going home. She reluctantly agreed that she did need to get some rest, rest that wasn't entirely possible in the hospital hooked up to IVs. That wasn't why she decided to go home though. It was Trixie. Lucifer pointed out, and he was right to, that Trixie needed her to be home, at least for the night. He was right. Her daughter had only seen her once in the hospital. She was scared with her little brother being in the hospital. As much as she needed to be there for Lucas, she also had to be there for Trixie. Lucifer would stay with the baby while she spent some much needed time with her daughter.

Chloe walked up to her son's incubator and stroked his arm. "Hi, baby. It's Mommy and Daddy. We have some good news for you."

"Yes, you finally have a name. Once again, it's your mother's fault it took so long," Lucifer joked.

Chloe smacked him playfully. "Don't listen to Daddy, Lucas. That's you, sweetheart. Lucas John Morningstar. You're named after your daddy and your grandpa from Heaven."

"Technically, Darling, both his grandfathers are in Heaven. You'll need to be more specific," Lucifer said before turning to his son. "She means the nice one."

"How do you know my dad's nice?" Chloe asked amused.

"He didn't send you to Hell, so he's nicer than mine," Lucifer commented.

Chloe shook her head at him before turning back to her baby. "So, Mommy has to leave you for a little while, baby. Daddy's gonna stay with you all night, while I spend a little time with your big sister. I can't wait until you guys get to meet. She loves you so much, Lucas. You'll love her too."

"Well, at first anyway. I'm sure as time goes on, they will irritate each other. My siblings do so," Lucifer said.

"And I'm sure you've never done the same to them," Chloe said sarcastically.

"Well, if they're going to irritate me, I'm certainly going to return the favor," Lucifer said with a smirk.

Chloe smiled sadly. "I don't want to leave him. What if something happens?"

"He will be fine, Darling. I will not let any harm come to him," Lucifer swore.

"I know. I'm more worried that he'll take a turn for the worst while I'm gone," Chloe said.

As much as Lucifer wanted to assure her that that wouldn't happen, he couldn't. Their son's life was still very much at risk due to his health. They couldn't be sure what would happen. "You must rest, Chloe. You will do him no good otherwise."

"Same with you, so we will be switching tomorrow," Chloe said before turning back to her son. She wasn't leaving yet. She wanted a little more time with her baby.


About an hour later, Chloe walked into the penthouse with Amenadiel. She wouldn't let Lucifer leave the hospital, even just to bring her home. Lucifer had agreed easily enough, but he'd insisted on having Amenadiel bring her home to ensure she got their safely.

Trixie and Maze were in the living room when Chloe and Amenadiel got off the elevator. A delighted Trixie immediately ran to her mother. "Mommy!"

Chloe hugged her daughter tightly. "Hi, Monkey. I'm so glad to see you."

Trixie stepped back after a minute. "Do you feel better?"

"I do. I'm still a little sore, but I'm doing okay," Chloe said.

"Is the baby okay?" Trixie asked.

Chloe smiled. "Your brother, Lucas, is still fighting hard to get well."

Trixie grinned widely. "His name is Lucas? Is that for Lucifer."

"Yes, it is. He's got your Grandpa's middle name," Chloe said.

"It's such a cool name. I made pictures for him. I can put his name on them now. Maze and I went shopping and got him a few stuffed animals too," Trixie said.

"That's great. I can't wait to see them."

"When do I get to see Lucas?" Trixie asked.

"I'm not sure, sweetie. He's in a special part of the hospital, and they're really strict about not letting kids in there," Chloe said. Honestly, she was almost glad that Trixie couldn't see Lucas. She worried her daughter would be scared seeing her brother hooked up to so many machines and tubes. It frightened Chloe to see her baby that way, and she was an adult. "So, the doctor's told me I have to rest today. I thought you could come lay with me and mine and Lucifer's room and we could have a movie day."

Trixie perked up at the idea of spending the day with her mom. "Okay. Come on!"

Chloe chuckled. "How about you go and pick out our first movie. I'll be in soon."

"Okay," Trixie said before running out of the room.

Chloe turned to Amenadiel and Maze. "Thanks for bringing me home, Amenadiel."

"Of course. If you need anything else, call me. I should get back to Linda and Charlie," Amenadiel said before heading for the elevator.

"You don't have to stay, Maze. I'm sure you want to get back to your bounties," Chloe said. She was sure the demon wouldn't be taking her up on the offer to go, but decided to at least give it a shot. Maze deserved some rest too.

"I don't think so, Decker. I'm sticking by you and the kid until this situation is handled. Besides, if I did leave, the only bounty I'd be chasing is that damned priest," Maze said. Not only did she care about Chloe and Trixie and want them safe, but she considered it her job to protect Lucifer's family.

"Thank you. I really appreciate everything you're doing, though please let the law handle Kinley," Chloe said. If it was possible for Kinley to be brought to justice, she wanted it handled that way. That being said, she'd sic both Maze and Lucifer on him if he continued to be a threat to her son.

"For now," was all Maze said before leaving the room.


Late at night, a tall man walked casually into the Neonatal Unit of the hospital. He glanced around to see a few parents sitting with their children, most of them were sleeping rather uncomfortably. He paid them no mind. None of them would bother him, nor would they interrupt his task.

The figure found his reason for visiting in the right corner of the room. The small infant was unsurprisingly in the incubator while his father slept in a chair beside him. The man placed a gentle hand on the shoulder of the child's father, insuring he wouldn't wake up during this visit. He could picture the disaster that would take place otherwise.

The man walked up to the baby. He placed a stuffed teddy bear on the table next to the incubator before reaching his hand in and placing it on the child. He began his work immediately. He smiled down at the boy. "There we are. You'll be fine before you know it, child."

He'd made it so that the boy would improve a bit quicker. He couldn't simply fix him without drawing unneeded attention, which neither the child, nor his parents needed. One enemy for this child was enough, and he would soon be dealt with if he didn't learn his place. What the man could do was make the baby's recover quicker and easier. Little Lucas would've survived on his own, but the man saw no reason to make the boy fight harder than was necessary.

"We will see each other again soon, little one," he said before walking back to the boy's father. He placed his hand on his shoulder again and smiled. He ensured he'd sleep the rest of the night. "Rest, my son. With a newborn, there will be a lot of sleepless nights in your future." With that, the Creator of the Universe walked away, without his son ever knowing he was there. As much as he wanted to, it wasn't yet time for the two of them to speak. It would be very soon though.

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