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"No way in Hell!" Dan yelled in Chloe's kitchen.

Chloe sighed. She'd just told Dan that she was probably going to be moving in with Lucifer. As expected, he didn't respond well. "Dan, please calm down."

"Are you crazy, Chloe?! You're not moving in with that bastard after what he did to Charlotte!" Dan yelled angrily.

Chloe tried her best to remain calm herself. She didn't respond well to being told what she could and couldn't do. She was not owned by anyone. She would do whatever she wanted. But she didn't want this conversation to turn into a screaming match, which it was starting to do. Someone had to remain calm. "Dan, Lucifer didn't do anything to Charlotte. I'm sorry for what you're going through, but that is on Pierce, not Lucifer."

"Lucifer knew who Pierce really was! Charlotte would be alive if not for him!" Dan yelled once more.

"Dan, lower your voice please. We don't what would've happened if Lucifer had warned us, but I suspect not much would've changed. He was right. We wouldn't have believed him," Chloe said. As much as she had claimed she might have believed Lucifer if he told her Pierce was the Sinnerman, she knew that wasn't true. Without proof, she would've chalked it up to him not liking Pierce. She wouldn't believe he was lying, but she would have thought he was jumping to conclusions.

Dan glared at her. "Don't defend him! He's an ass and a danger! I won't let you do this!"

Chloe had had enough. She tried to reason with Dan, but he wouldn't listen. She would not be screamed at in her own home, and she wouldn't have dictating what she could and couldn't do.

"You have no say in what I do! If you wanna waste your time creating a villain when there isn't one, it's your choice, but I won't be a part of it! You have no say in where I live!" Chloe said firmly.

"The Hell I don't! Trixie is my daughter. I will not let you have her around that bastard! What the hell is wrong with you?! I'd think you'd have more concern for our daughter!" Dan said angrily

"Dan you better watch what you say now. Don't say something that I promise you I'll make you regret!" Chloe warned as she stood up.

Dan didn't heed Chloe's warning. "First you get engaged to a serial killer and now you want to move our daughter in with another criminal. What kind of mother are you?!"

"You will not speak to her that way!" a new voice yelled.

Chloe looked over to the front door to see that Lucifer had arrived, and he looked about as pissed as Dan was.

Dan turned and glared at Lucifer. "Stay out of this! It has nothing to do with you."

Lucifer was livid as he walked over. He'd arrived to hear Daniel shouting at the detective from outside the door. He'd immediately let himself in to come to her aid. "How dare you speak to her that way?! She is the mother of your child!"

"Yeah, my child! And there's no way that my child will ever live with you!" Dan yelled.

Chloe pinched the bridge of her nose. This had just gotten much worse. "Okay, this needs to stop."

"It'll stop when Detective Douche learns some respect! He has no right to speak to you this way," Lucifer said before turning back to Dan. "I don't care how angry I might get; I would never talk to the mother of my child the way you just did!"

Chloe smiled at Lucifer, grateful for his words. She was the mother of his child, and she knew how mad he was at her right now. She was grateful to know for certain that he would still give her the respect, even if she might deserve his ire.

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