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Lucifer was sitting by Chloe's side the next morning. He'd spent most of the night with his son. He didn't want to leave him, but he also wanted to see Chloe. Plus, she was going to wake up and figure out that something terrible happened. He couldn't leave her alone for that. He felt like he was being torn in two, but right now, this was where he needed to be. Chloe needed to hear about their son from him.

Lucifer soon heard Chloe groan as she began to stir. He immediately took her hand. "Chloe, can you hear me?"

"Lucifer?" Chloe asked as she grabbed her head. It was pounding. Everything hurt actually. Her arm, he shoulder, her stomach. With that last thought, Chloe's eyes popped open in fear. She remembered what happened. She remembered being run off the road and having labor pains. "The baby! No!"

"No, darling, listen…" Lucifer started.

"Oh, God. I was in labor. Tell me our baby's not gone! Please!" Chloe cried. Her baby couldn't be gone. She couldn't live with that. She couldn't survive the loss of her child.

"No, he's not, I promise. He's alive," Lucifer told her.

"He?" Chloe asked.

"Yes. We have a son. You went into labor after the 'accident'. They couldn't stop it. They had to deliver our son," Lucifer said.

"But he wasn't ready. It wasn't enough time," Chloe said with fear in her voice. She'd had over two months left before she was supposed to deliver

"I know, but they didn't have a choice. But, darling, he is alive," Lucifer said.

"Is he okay?" Chloe asked.

Lucifer took a deep breath before answering. He knew she wasn't going to like what he'd say, but he would be honest. Not only was he not a liar, but Chloe needed to be prepared when she saw their son. "The doctors are optimistic. He's small though. I've never seen a child that tiny. They have him enclosed in this small contraption with machines to help him breathe."

Chloe cried again as Lucifer spoke. Her baby was in an incubator with only tubes keeping him alive, and it was because of her. She'd let her need for a few minutes alone without fear place her child in danger. Now he might die.

Lucifer squeezed her hand. "He's alright. They think he has a good chance."

"He's in an incubator instead of inside of me. He should be growing inside of me until he's ready, Lucifer. He's not because of my selfishness," Chloe said.

"Darling, don't blame yourself," Lucifer said.

"I knew better than to go out alone. You did too. You warned me, but I didn't listen," Chloe said.

"I didn't stop you though, did I? I could've fought harder. Hell, I could've stopped Kinley from the beginning. The second I knew he was a threat to you and our child, I should've taken care of it," Lucifer said. He would never forgive himself for this. His son would be alright if he'd taken care of Kinley from the beginning.

Chloe shook her head. "You're not that kind of man. You're not like Kinley, and you're not the man he tried to make you out to be."

"Yes, well, perhaps if I had been, our son wouldn't be fighting for his life. I promise you, this won't happen again. I'll not let Kinley become a threat to him again. I won't fail him again," Lucifer swore.

"You haven't failed him. We're gonna get through this. We'll get our son through this," Chloe said. As much as she hated herself for placing her child in danger, she had to find a way past the guilt. Her children needed her.

Lucifer nodded. "I will stop Kinley one way or another."

"I wanna see my baby. Take me to him," Chloe said.

"You have to see the doctor first. I'll find him," Lucifer said before standing up.

"Wait. Is Trixie okay? Does she know?" Chloe asked.

"No, she doesn't know. She was asleep when it happened. She's fine though. Maze is with her. She won't let anything happen to her. Daniel also has an officer outside of Lux to make sure she's safe.

Chloe nodded. At least one of her children were okay right now.


Lucifer pushed Chloe's wheelchair into the NICU and over to their son. "Remember, you can only stay a few minutes. The doctor said you need to rest."

Chloe put her hand on the incubator and looked at her son. He was so tiny. She imagined he was as light as a feather with how small he was. "He's so small."

"Yes. He's under two pounds. He'll get bigger though. We just need to give him time. You can touch him. I was afraid to at first, but they said it's okay," Lucifer said.

Chloe reached her hand inside the incubator and gently stroked her son. "Hi, baby. It's Mommy. I'm here. I wish I'd been here sooner, but I know Daddy's been keeping you company. He's really good at that."

"Daddy," Lucifer whispered. It was the first time someone had referred to him as that. He was someone's daddy. It was almost funny. He never wanted anything to do with children for centuries, but he knew now that he never wanted to be apart from this child, nor from his mother or sister. He loved them all so much.

"Yeah, you're his daddy," Chloe said to Lucifer with a smile before turning back to their son. "Mommy and Daddy are here, baby. We love you so much. We're glad you're here. We just wish it had been a little later, so that you could've grown more."

"You'll be able to grow out here now though. Everything will be alright. We won't let anything happen to you, my boy," Lucifer said to the child.

"That's right, sweetheart. Nothing bad will ever touch you again. You'll get better and everything will be okay," Chloe said.

"We'll need to name him soon. By the way, I told him it's your fault he doesn't have a name already," Lucifer said with a smirk.

Chloe chuckled. "Of course you did."

"Well, it's true. If we'd found out we were having a boy, we could've come up with a name by now."

Chloe rolled her eyes and turned back to her son. "Your daddy has no concept of the word 'surprise'. There are some things we don't need to know right away. Some things are worth waiting for. You certainly were."

"Well, I'll concede that point," Lucifer said. He pulled a chair over and sat down next to her.

"Thank God he's okay, at least for now," Chloe said.

"Normally I'd protest at thanking my father for anything, but for all I know, he is responsible," Lucifer said. He honestly wasn't sure if his father had done anything to save his son, but he couldn't ignore that it was possible.

Chloe turned to him. "You think your dad saved him."

"I don't know. I asked him to, but I'm not sure if it was him or the doctors," Lucifer said.

"Well, if he did, I'm grateful."

"Me too," Lucifer said. He neglected to mention that he'd also offered his father anything he wanted to save their child. His father could ask for anything if he'd done it. He could force Lucifer back to Hell or he could demand their son be raised in Heaven. It could be anything. But Chloe didn't need to know that right now. Right now, she had enough to worry about. Plus, for all he knew, his father hadn't done anything to save the baby. Lucifer would worry about it another time. Right now, only his son mattered.

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