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Chloe watched as Trixie played with Lucas and Charlie in the living room. A little over a year had passed since Lucas was born. Their family had changed quite a bit since then. They'd moved out of the penthouse. Chloe wanted her kids to have a house and yard to play in, so they'd gotten a place in the area that, in her opinion, was much bigger than they needed. Lucifer was fine with moving, but being Lucifer, he insisted on something extravagant. It had been hard for Chloe to get Lucifer to accept the now five bedroom home they now had. He'd wanted something even bigger, but Chloe had drawn the line. It was already much more than they needed.

Chloe and Lucifer had also been married in that time. Lucifer asked her a couple of months after Lucas came home, and they'd married relatively quickly. The ceremony was three months earlier. It was small, with just their closest friends and family. Once again, Lucifer wanted to go all out, but Chloe didn't need that. All she needed was him and the people they cared about.

Chloe smiled as she watched her kids play. Lucas was growing so quickly, as was Trixie for that matter, but she couldn't believe it had already been over a year since her son came into the world so dramatically. No one would notice the rough start he had by looking at him. He was just perfect.

Lucas mostly took after Chloe appearance wise. He had her hair and eye color. He did have Lucifer's smile though. There was also the wings that came out whenever the boy saw fit that were obviously Lucifer.

Trixie looked up and saw her mother. "Hey, Mom, when's Dad gonna be here."

"Uh, I think he should be here within the hour," Chloe said. It was Thanksgiving, and she and Lucifer were hosting it. In this instance, it was good that they had such a big house. It was big enough to fit all their friends and family.

"Is Maze coming?" Trixie asked.

"I highly doubt it," Chloe said. Lucifer's father was going to be coming, and Maze knew that. Demons and God didn't exactly mix well.

Lucas walked over to Chloe and held his arms up. "Mama."

Chloe grinned and picked him up. "Hi, baby. Do you want some juice?"

"Yes," Lucas replied.

"Okay, let's go get some. Do you wanna come, Charlie?" she asked as she held her hand out for him.

"No," the boy said as he kept his attention on the blocks he was playing with.

"I'll watch him, Mom," Trixie said.

Chloe smiled at her daughter before carrying her son into the kitchen. As soon as she walked in, she could hear Lucifer and Amenadiel bickering.

"Are you sure you're doing this right, Brother?" Amenadiel asked as he watched her mess with the turkey.

"Yes. Move back. I'm hardly going to take advice from the man that has never cooked in his life," Lucifer said.

"I'm just saying it doesn't look like you're doing it right," Amenadiel said.

"I know how to cook," Lucifer retorted.

"You guys act more like children than your actual children," Linda said with a laugh.

"Do not," Lucifer argued.

Chloe chuckled. "I've been saying since I was pregnant that I have three kids."

"Dada," Lucas said with a big smile on his face.

Chloe smiled. Lucas was a daddy's boy. She knew he loved her too, but he always lit up when Lucifer was in the room.

Lucifer turned and smiled at his wife and son. "Hello, my boy. Did you want to see Daddy?"

"Actually, he wanted some juice, but he seems just as happy to see you," Chloe said before moving to the refrigerator. She pulled out an already made bottle of apple juice and handed it to her son.

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