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A/N: Lucifer doesn't know yet that Linda is pregnant

Chloe arrived off the elevator at Lucifer's penthouse a half hour later. She would admit that she spent a good ten minutes in her car outside Lux trying to gain the courage to do that. There was so much she had to tell Lucifer and she knew he wasn't going to respond well, at least to the parts that involved Kinley. He might react badly to the baby too. It didn't matter though. She had to do this. She couldn't hide any of it, and she realized now that she shouldn't. She didn't whatever might develop between her and Lucifer to be tainted by a secret.

When Chloe got off the elevator, she was shocked to see Kinley there. She arrived just in time to listen to him try to convince Lucifer that she was obsessed with sending him back to Hell. "You lying little bastard!"

Lucifer looked over at her in surprise. He'd heard the elevator, but he hadn't looked over until he heard her voice. "Detective."

Chloe glared at Kinley. "What the hell do you think you're doing? I wouldn't help you so you thought you could turn us against each other?"

Father Kinley looked like a deer caught in the headlights for a quick second, but then covered up his features. "Detective Decker, I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to harm this man."

"You've spoken to this man?" Lucifer asked Chloe with a distraught look on his face.

"Yes, I met him in Rome and the he showed up at my house today, but he is lying about what happened. I will explain what happened, but now with him here," Chloe said.

"Mr. Morningstar, please listen…"

"Get out," Lucifer interrupted, his eyes never leaving the detective's.

Father Kinley knew his plan had failed, but he could still hope that the truth was enough to separate the two. "Very well, but be careful."

"I'm listening," Lucifer said in a tight voice once Kinley was gone.

"I was in Rome doing research. I wanted to know all I could about you," Chloe said.

"You mean the stories humans tell themselves about me?" Lucifer asked bitterly.

"Yes. I didn't know how else to find what I needed," Chloe said.

"You could've asked me," Lucifer said before going to the bar and making a drink.

"No, I couldn't back then. It was just too much. I'm sorry," Chloe said. She genuinely was. She'd forgotten the years of friendship and partnership she had with this man. She'd forgotten what it felt like when she finally let him make love to her. All she could see was her face.

Lucifer reluctantly nodded as he turned back to face her. He knew she had a point. Of course, she didn't feel she could come to him. She'd just seen his devil face. "So, you researched. Then decided I just had to be sent back to Hell?"

"No. I was doing research when I met Father Kinley. He showed me a bunch of 'evidence' that you were some monster. I was more than skeptical, Lucifer. I pointed out the flaws in his thinking, but he kept trying to convince me, and he was very convincing," Chloe admitted.

"So, you do want to send me back to Hell?" Lucifer asked with hurt laced in his voice.

"No, Lucifer, I don't. You have no idea how bad I feel for even considering going along with Kinley's plan. I was scared. I let him manipulate me into believing you were a danger," Chloe said.

"You told me I wasn't the Devil to you. You told me nothing you learned about me would change how you saw me. You told me that as I took you to bed!" Lucifer said anger and pain.

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