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Lucifer was in the penthouse making breakfast for himself and the child. In the past few weeks, he and Chloe had alternated spending nights at the hospital while the other stayed with Trixie, when she wasn't with Daniel anyway. Daniel had resumed his overnights with Trixie, and picked up much of the slack for him and Chloe, but all parties agreed that as much consistency as possible was best for the child, which meant her spending much of her time at the penthouse with either Chloe or himself, since neither felt comfortable or safe leaving their son without a parent with him. Last night was his night to stay with Trixie.

Lucifer finished up the pancakes and piled them on a couple of plates. He then brought them out to the dining room, where the child was already seated. He put a plate in front of Trixie and a plate in front of his own spot before sitting down.

"Yay! Blueberry pancakes! Thanks, Lucifer," Trixie said before she began eating.

"Yes, of course," Lucifer said before turning to his own meal.

"Are you taking me to school or is Maze coming?" Trixie asked.

"I will be taking you. Your mother will be picking you up this afternoon," Lucifer told her.

"I wish we could all be at home together," Trixie said sadly.

Lucifer shifted a bit uncomfortably. He was not good at situations such as these. The parenting thing was very new for him. He worried about making the child more upset than she clearly already was, but he also knew he should try. "Yes, I know this new routine isn't desirable, but it's important someone be with the baby as well as at home."

"I know. I don't want Lucas to be alone. I just wish we could all be together as a family, Lucas too. I haven't even seen him yet," Trixie said. She wanted to meet her little brother so badly. It wasn't fair that she didn't get to see him.

"You will get the opportunity to see him, Child. I promise," Lucifer said. No matter what happened, he would make sure she had the chance to see her brother, even if the worst happened and his father tried to take him.

"Was Lucas born early because someone wanted to hurt him?" Trixie asked.

"Who told you that?" Lucifer asked, trying to keep the irritation from his voice. No one had any business telling the child that other than him and Chloe. Well, and Daniel, but Lucifer doubted Daniel had said anything. He would've mentioned it.

"No one. I heard Maze on the phone with someone. Don't be mad at her. I guessed something was wrong. A police car is always outside and follows us," Trixie said.

Lucifer smiled. "You are a smart little urchin, aren't you? I will not let any harm come to you, your mother, or your brother ever again."

"But someone did try to hurt Lucas, didn't they?" Trixie asked.

Lucifer slowly nodded. "Yes. There is a man who doesn't like that I have a child."

"Because you're the Devil?" Trixie asked.

"Yes. This man is convinced that a child of mine is evil," Lucifer told her.

"Lucas isn't evil. Neither are you," Trixie protested firmly.

"No, but the world sees the Devil as evil."

"Well, they shouldn't. They don't even know you. They only knew stories that aren't true," Trixie said. A couple of her classmates went to church all the time and heard stories about the Devil. They tried telling her that the Devil was evil. She fought with them because she knew they were wrong. She knew who the Devil was, and he wasn't evil.

"Thank you, child. As I said, you have nothing to worry about. I will ensure no harms any of you again," Lucifer vowed.

"I know, Lucifer. You always keep us safe," Trixie said.

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