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It took a few minutes for Lucifer to get his emotions under control. When he did, he pulled away from his father. "Why should I believe you?" he asked. Truthfully, it was a stupid question because deep down he did believe him, but he didn't know how to deal with it. His father's explanation that he sent him to Hell to put him on the road to happiness destroyed everything he'd known about himself and his father.

"Sit down, son," God said before gently guiding his son back to his seat. "You do believe me. You're just overwhelmed. I understand. I've just put a lot on you."

Lucifer watched as his father went back and sat down. "You… You're telling me everything I thought I knew about my life isn't true. You didn't send me to Hell because you hated me."

"Of course not. There has never been a day in your life that I hated you. I love you so much. That is why I have done everything I have. I wanted you to have what you deserve," God said.

"So, you orchestrated it all? Everything in my life has been your doing?" Lucifer asked with anguish and bitterness in his voice. It devastated him in ways he couldn't even describe. He loved his family and wouldn't wish them away, but knowing why he had them broke him. It meant he never truly had gained Free Will at all. Everything that happened was created by his father.

God sighed. He could understand how his son had come to that conclusion, and why it upset him so much. Free Will had always been a big desire for him. "No, Lucifer. I saw your path and I let it play out, but I didn't choose for you. Now, I do admit that my own choices were made to put you on the path you are on now, which is towards your happiness, but you always decided for yourself. Honestly, in the beginning, I hoped you'd choose differently, so that I wouldn't have to make the decision to send you away and cause you pain. I knew it was ultimately best for you, but I hated the thought of it."

"You could've chosen differently if you wanted. You didn't have to send me to Hell. You had a choice," Lucifer stated angrily. He wasn't saying he wished his father chose differently. He didn't wish for a life that didn't include Chloe, Trixie, and Lucas, but the point was that his father had a choice. Lucifer didn't.

"And if I had, I truly would've manipulated your life for my own needs, as you've always accused me. Believe me, I was tempted, but I had to do what was best for you, not me. I always knew how it would end, even when I was fighting it. That's why I kept you so close. Your siblings thought it was because I loved you more than them, but it was because I knew I was going to have to let you go. Despite the pain you've suffered, I don't regret it. I don't think you really do either," God said.

Lucifer couldn't really argue that. He was upset because he felt like his whole life was a manipulation, but at the same time, he wasn't sorry for the results of those manipulations. "I…I just feel like my entire life has never been in my own hands."

"I know. I hope you can see one day that that's not the case, and if you can't, you can at least see that any choices that were made for you were for your benefit," God said.

"What about Kinley? Was he part of this path you saw for me?" Lucifer asked.

"No. I saw most of it, but not all of it. Kinley was a factor I didn't foresee, as was Cain. It was when Cain became involved that I began paying closer attention. Before then, I chose to try to steer clear of you, to resist the urge to interfere. I almost had to with Cain, but you were able to handle it without me," God said.

"By killing him. Does that not upset you? I broke your biggest rule. I killed a human," Lucifer said.

God shook his head. "Cain should've been dead long before you took his life. It was a mistake to make him immortal. I was angry that a human had killed another for the first time, and even more angry that it was his own blood he killed. I let my anger get the best of me. If you had not taken his life, I would've."

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