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Lucifer walked with Chloe into the police station a couple of weeks later. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Chloe nodded. "We can't hide it much longer anyway. Our families already know. Plus, I'm starting to show. I've already heard half the people at the precinct whisper about whether or not I'm pregnant or just fat. I think the only reason the lieutenant hasn't asked is because he's worried about insulting me if I'm not pregnant."

"Yes, but Kinley is out there," Lucifer said.

"Yeah, and we've talked about that. We can't stop living our lives because of him. We can't give him that power over us. Besides, like I said, we can't hide it. He'd going to find out no matter what we do," Chloe said. The truth was, she wouldn't be surprised if Kinley already know. She'd begun showing, and she knew he was keeping tabs on them.

Lucifer nodded. "Very well."

"Alright, I've gotta inform the lieutenant, and no doubt get dressed down for not for not reporting it sooner," Chloe said with a cringe. In her line of work, this wasn't something that should be hidden. It was dangerous with her being out in the field. Of course, she knew nothing would happen to her because Lucifer was always with her, but she couldn't exactly tell her superiors that the Devil was protecting her.

"Shall I go with you?" Lucifer asked.

"No, I wanna do it alone. Go see if Ella's found anything on the case, which we're probably going to have to hand over after today," Chloe said with a groan before walking towards the lieutenant's office.


Chloe made it to Ella's lab about a half an hour later. She found Ella, Lucifer, and Dan there.

"Ah, hello, Detective. How did it go?" Lucifer asked.

"Well, I feel sufficiently reprimanded, so about how I expected it," Chloe said. It would be an understatement to say that the lieutenant had been less than pleased to find out she was pregnant when she was nearly four months along. "And I'm on desk duty. Dan, it's good you're here. You're taking over our case."

"Wait why? Why were you reprimanded?" Ella asked.

"Failing to report a medical condition that makes me a greater risk in the field and places liability on the department," Chloe said with a smile, knowing her friend would figure it out.

Ella's eyes widened. "So, it's true? I've noticed and I wanted to ask you, but it would've been really awkward if I had been wrong."

Chloe chuckled. "Yeah, it's true. I'm pregnant."

Ella immediately ran up and hugged her. "Oh my God! This is so great! I'm really happy for you!"

"Thank you," Chloe said as she hugged her back.

Dan, meanwhile, rolled his eyes and stormed out of the room.

Ella let go of Chloe and looked at the spot that Dan had vacated. "Maybe he's just shocked."

"He's known for weeks. We've been trying to keep it under wraps for a while, but Dan was one of the first people we told. As you can see, he didn't take it well," Chloe said.

"You said 'we'," Ella said before looking at Lucifer. "It's yours, isn't it? That's why you guys moved in together." She'd thought it was kind of sudden how Chloe had just moved in with Lucifer essentially overnight. It did if he found out she was carrying his child.

Chloe laughed. "Yeah, Lucifer's the father."

Ella grinned and hugged them both briefly. "This is so great. How far along are you?"

"Almost four months," Chloe said.

"Wow. You were able to hide it for a while. Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" Ella asked.

"No, because she won't let us find out," Lucifer grumbled.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Ella, you got him started."

Ella chuckled. "You want it to be a surprise. That's cool. I don't think I could do that. I'd want to know."

"Yes, like a sensible person," Lucifer said.

Chloe smacked him lightly on the arm.

"Hey," Lucifer protested.

Ella laughed at them. "I'm really happy for you guys. This will be Lucifer's first child. It should be interesting given how he reacts around children." She'd seen him at times when Trixie would come into the station and latch herself onto him. It was hilarious how he'd respond.

"Well, he's getting better with being around Trixie so much," Chloe said.

"Have you guys thought about names yet?" Ella asked.

"No, we haven't really talked about that yet. It's still early though. We've got over five months to think about it. I didn't come up with Trixie's name until hours after I had her," Chloe said.

"I would've thought you'd already know if it's a boy. I assumed you'd want your father's name," Lucifer said.

"Yeah, I thought about it, and it's still on the table for a middle name, but I want our baby to have their own name. No namesakes," Chloe said.

"I agree, Detective. My father named all of us after him in some form. All of our names have meanings that have something to do with God," Lucifer said with a scowl.

"Like I said, we have time. Anyway, I should get back to work, which now involves sitting at a sitting at a desk," Chloe said with a groan. She hated desk duty.

"Congratulations, guys," Ella told them.

"Thanks, Ella," Chloe said as they headed out.


Father Kinley stood alone in his office with a grave look on his face. The thing he feared was closer and closer to becoming a reality. He knew that when Chloe Decker had refused to help him so vehemently that he had a problem. It was obvious to him that she was the love of the

Devil mentioned in the prophecy. He'd hoped that telling the Devil of her betrayal would destroy whatever was growing between them, but that had obviously failed. Not that it mattered. He knew now it was already too late.

He'd been following both Chloe and the Devil as much as he could.. He'd watched as Chloe Decker put more weight on. He'd hoped he was wrong, that it wasn't what he thought, but he'd followed the pair to a doctor's appointment, one with a specialty. It became obvious. Chloe Decker was pregnant with the Antichrist.

Father Kinley should've seen in coming with the way she reacted when he mentioned the possibility of the Antichrist coming to be. She'd become defensive whwn he mentioned it. It was probably that she was already pregnant with it.

Kinley knew he had to do something. The Antichrist was obviously the evil the prophecy spoke of. It made sense. The prophecy spoke of evil arriving when the Devil found his first love. It clearly spoke of the thing inside Chloe Decker. He was going to have to act quickly. The Antichrist could never be born.

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