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Chloe walked into the station to start work for the day. She'd been home for a couple of weeks. She felt a lot more relaxed now that she was home and away from Father Kinley. Since being back and working with Lucifer again, she'd come to realize how wrong Father Kinley was about Lucifer. She should have never talked with him. Now that things were back to the way they were, she could see the partner she remembered clear as day. She couldn't say their weren't aspects of who he was that frightened her, but she also knew he wasn't what Kinley believed and tried to get her to believe.

Chloe did feel guilty for even considering agreeing to Kinley's plan. She had been close to agreeing to send her partner, and now the father of her child, to Hell. She didn't know what she could be thinking. Lucifer had never done anything to hurt anyone unprovoked. He didn't deserve what she nearly did. But she couldn't change what almost happened. All she could do was be glad that it didn't happen and strive to do better.

Chloe rubbed her stomach for a minute. It was because of her baby, whom she already loved, that she'd changed course. She believed she would've eventually changed her mind anyway, but her child helped her get there sooner. It was part because of her worry over what Kinley would do, but she also realized that she was judging Lucifer unfairly. She realized she was judging Lucifer the way that Kinley and those like him would likely judge the child she was carrying.

Chloe had yet to tell Lucifer that she was pregnant. She didn't know how to tell him and she didn't know how he'd react. Lucifer had always been very blunt about how he felt about children. He was okay with Trixie most of the time, though he did shy away whenever she latched onto him, but it was different when it was your own kid. How as he going to react to impending parenthood? Would he even want to b apart of the child's life?

Chloe pulled out of her thoughts as she walked to towards her desk. She passed Dan on the way. "Morning, Dan."

"Morning, Chloe," Dan greeted.

"Did you see Lucifer come in?" Chloe asked. They were in the middle of a case, so she assumed he'd be coming.

"Thankfully not," Dan said with a sneer.

Chloe sighed. Things had been tense between Dan and Lucifer since she got back. Well, tense on Dan's side anyway. "Dan, I think you should make peace with Lucifer. You're always going to have to deal with him." That was especially true with her being pregnant with his baby. Their child was Trixie's sibling, which in a way, made them all family.

"Sure. When he brings Charlotte back from the dead," Dan said angrily.

"Detective!" Lucifer's voice called out.

Dan glared at Lucifer for a minute and then stormed off.

"Hey," Chloe said as she watched him come over.

"Hello. Ready to solve the case?" Lucifer asked with a smile.

"Definitely. Listen, we need to talk about something soon," Chloe said. She couldn't keep putting this off. She was six weeks along. She'd already waited too long to tell him. She was going to start showing soon, and that was definitely not how she wanted Lucifer to find out.

"Is everything alright?" Lucifer asked concerned.

"Yeah, I just need to talk to you. Everything's good," she said.

"Alright. Would you like to come over tonight?" Lucifer asked.

"Let's make it tomorrow night. Trixie will be with Dan," Chloe said. That would also give her a little more time to figure out how to tell him. Plus, she hoped to have the case wrapped up by then. She hoped for them not to have any distractions in the middle of an investigation.

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