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Chloe sat on the couch in Linda's apartment with her, Lucifer, Trixie, Amenadiel, Maze, and Amenadiel and Linda's new baby. Chloe felt huge. She was now just under seven months along. Her baby had grown a lot.

Chloe, Lucifer, and Trixie were of course there to see Amenadiel and Linda's son, Charlie, who had been born just a week ago."

"Charlie's so cute. He's gonna be just a little older than my brother or sister," Trixie said as she stood next to Amenadiel, who was holding the baby.

"That's right. They'll be able to play together," Linda said with a smile.

"I can play with them sometimes too," Trixie said.

"Of course, you will, Monkey. You're gonna be a great big sister," Chloe told her daughter.

Just then, Charlie started crying.

"He's probably hungry. I'm going to grab a bottle. Here, Luci, you can take him," Amenadiel said before going to hand his son over to his brother, who was standing next to the couch by Chloe and Trixie.

"What? Why? His mother's right there," Lucifer said as he took a step back.

"Because you need the practice. Your baby will be here in a couple of months. You should get used to having a baby in your arms," Amenadiel said.

"I don't need practice. I've held your child before," Lucifer said.

"You held him for two seconds and then gave him back to Amenadiel. Take the baby, Lucifer. You will be holding our child a lot because I will not do this alone," Chloe said in a firm tone.

"Very well," Lucifer said before tentatively holding his arms out for the baby.

Amenadiel put Charlie in his arms before going to get a bottle.

"Have you guys thought of names yet?" Linda asked.

"How could we do that? We don't know the gender because someone still refuses to let us find out," Lucifer said as he looked at Chloe.

Chloe rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's antics. Things were going strong between them. She and Lucifer had mostly worked things through. She knew Lucifer would never forget what she did, but he'd forgiven her, and they'd worked past it. "We can think of names for both genders and decide when the kid is born. We haven't decided anything yet though, Linda. Thankfully, we have over two months left."

"Amenadiel and I couldn't agree on a name until Charlie was born," Linda said.

"You shot down all my ideas," Amenadiel said as he came into the room. He took Charlie from his brother and began feeding him.

"They were really uncommon. He would've been teased," Linda said.

"They were Heavenly names," Amenadiel defended himself.

"Well, there was your first problem," Lucifer said.

"Really? Well, Linda picked a Heavenly name at first too. She wanted to name him Michael," Amenadiel said.

Lucifer looked at Linda with horror in his eyes. "Are you bloody mad? Why would you subject that child to such a thing. He would've had to live with that name forever!"

"Linda, you're my girl, but I would've killed you before I let you name the kid that," Maze said. She didn't know Lucifer's brother, but she wouldn't let her friend name the baby that just on principle.

"What's the big deal?" Linda asked.

Chloe laughed. "Really? I was an atheist, and even I know who Michael is in the Bible."

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