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Lucifer found himself standing outside on the balcony the next morning. The detective was asleep in his guest room. It had gotten pretty late, and despite the fact that he was still quite upset with her, he saw no reason for her to drive home so late.. She was carrying his child.

Lucifer was still trying to wrap his mind around that news. He was going to be a father. He'd never been told anything more frightening in his life, and given that he'd been alive since centuries before Earth was even created, it was a very long life.

Lucifer didn't know what he was going to do. Well, he knew he would be there for his child. There wasn't even a question in that regard. He was not going to abandon his child the way his parents had him. But he was terrified of how he would handle it. He didn't know anything about children. His only experience with them was the few occasions that he was around the detective's other offspring.

Lucifer soon heard movement inside, followed by the detective's voice.


Lucifer walked back into the penthouse and found the detective in the living room. "Morning, Detective. Did you sleep alright?"

"Yeah, considering. It wasn't exactly the best night sleep. She had Father Kinley on her mind for most of the night. "I can see you didn't sleep. You're still in your clothes from yesterday."

"I had a lot on my mind," Lucifer said before taking a seat on the couch. It wasn't just the child that he had to think about. He was also dealing with everything he'd learned regarding the detective and Father Kinley. The detective had almost agreed to his downfall. She had feared him so much that she was going to help send him back to Hell.

"I know," Chloe said before sitting down next to him. "I know you probably hate me for what I thought of doing."

"Did you change your mind because you found out you were pregnant?" Lucifer asked.

"Yes and no," Chloe answered. She had to be honest. As much as she wanted to say that her decision had nothing to do with the baby, she couldn't. She had to tell the truth. They needed to start off with a clean slate.

Lucifer glared at her in irritation. That was a cryptic answer and he didn't like it. "I'm fairly certain it's one or the other, Detective."

"Well, it's not. It's more complicated than that. Finding out I was pregnant changed a lot. It changed how I viewed things, like Father Kinley. I started to realize that I could not trust Father Kinley. I started to view him as a threat," Chloe said.

"Because you were carrying the Devil's child," Lucifer said.

"Yes. I decided to put distance between myself and him by coming home," she told him.

"So, it was because of the baby that you changed your mind," Lucifer said bitterly.

"Not completely. Please, just let me finish," she said.

Lucifer nodded.

"The baby also helped me slow down and think things through. From the moment I had my first ultrasound, I loved this baby, and I thought about Kinley, who I knew would judge him or her just because it was yours. That made me realize I was doing the same. I was judging you based on what I saw, plus flimsy evidence that a complete stranger was presenting me with. Then I thought of everything we'd been through together. I recalled every single meeting or conversation we had. That along with working with you again made me see that I had been wrong, that Father Kinley was wrong. So, yes, the baby got me thinking, but deep down, I always knew the truth," Chloe explained.

"But if not for the baby you'd still…"

"If not for the baby, I still wouldn't have gone through with Kinley's plan. It might have taken me a bit longer to see the truth, but I would've. Lucifer, there's no way for me to express to you how sorry I am. This was the worst mistake I've ever made. I hope you can forgive me," Chloe said.

"Are you afraid of me now?" Lucifer asked.

"What you can do scares me, but not you personally. I know you'd never hurt me, or anyone that didn't deserve it. I'm still dealing with it all, but you're my partner, and I know I can trust you. Though I understand if you can't trust me. I may have to earn that back," Chloe said.

"I'd say so, yes," Lucifer said tightly.

Lucifer's words actually gave Chloe hope. Lucifer was admitting that he didn't trust her, but he was also saying that she had a chance to earn his trust again. If he was willing to give her a chance, she had hope.

"Does anyone else know about the child?" Lucifer asked.

"No. I wasn't going to tell anyone before I told you. Trixie doesn't even know yet. It's a good thing I kept it a secret with Kinley in the picture. But we're going to have to figure something out because it's going to be noticeable soon," Chloe said.

"You're frightened of him," Lucifer realized.

"Yeah, but I'm more angry than scared. I wanted to kill him for the things he said about your child when he came to my house," Chloe said with anger in her voice.

"What? You said he didn't know," Lucifer said.

"No, he doesn't. he was trying to tell me how dangerous you were. He started talking about the possible creation of the Antichrist," Chloe said.

Lucifer scowled. "There is no Antichrist. That is a myth created by humans in their quest to portray me as the most evil being in the world. In their eyes, I'm going to reproduce and create some evil being. It's ridiculous. It's something Maze and I used to laugh about, and from what Amenadiel's told me, it's a running joke in the Silver City as well. None of us even thought it was possible for us to procreate, let alone for me to create this pure evil being."

Chloe nodded. "I got really angry when he started talking about it. He talked about destroying our child. I'm afraid he might be a real threat, Lucifer. He made it clear he has no qualms about hurting an innocent baby. He even stated that he doesn't consider any child of yours an actual child."

Lucifer was uneasy himself. He'd handled priests in the past, but this one did seem different. He apparently thought he had a way of sending him back to Hell, and he had already sort of threatened his child. This was a threat he needed to take seriously. "You and the urchin should come and live with me."

"What?" Chloe asked caught off guard. Look, I agree that we should take Kinley seriously, but if I'm alert, we should be okay, right?"

"I don't know. I don't really want to take chances. This man seems to think he has the power to send me to Hell," Lucifer said.

Chloe knew he had a point. Kinley was dangerous, and who knew how many of his brethren would help him. "Let me think about it for a little bit? Things aren't the greatest between us and I'm reluctant to uproot Trixie. I will give it serious thought though. We have a little while. Kinley doesn't know I'm pregnant."

"Very well, but you should think quickly. He may not know yet, but he could find out easily," Lucifer said.

"I will. Right now, I should head home. I have to get ready for work and take Trixie to school," Chloe said before standing up.

"I'll drive you," Lucifer said.

Chloe was about to point out that she had her car, but she realized that Lucifer wanted to make sure she got home safe. "Okay," she said before going into the guest room to get her things.

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