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A few days past since Lucifer asked Chloe to move in with him. She'd spent those days considering the idea thoroughly. On one hand, she really wasn't sure it was a good idea. Things weren't great between her and Lucifer. He was angry with her, and she couldn't blame him. She had more than earned his ire and distrust. All she could do was try to earn it back. But the point was that she wasn't sure that tension was good for anyone. Trixie might pick up on it, and she didn't want her daughter affected by whatever was going on between her and Lucifer. It would also affect Chloe and the baby. Stress wasn't good for her or the baby, and tension brought stress with it. Of course, she was going to have to deal with stress regardless with Father Kinley out there.

There was also the fact that Chloe didn't want to uproot Trixie. She was just getting used to being back home after a month away. Chloe wasn't sure it was a good idea to just move her into a new place after all of that.

On the other hand though, the danger from Father Kinley could be strong. The cop in Chloe wanted to believe that she could handle Father Kinley, but she also had to remember that she didn't know how many were involved in this. For all she knew, there could be others like him. Plus, even if it was just Kinley, she was more vulnerable because she was pregnant, and she didn't know exactly what Kinley was capable of.

Finally, Chloe decided she'd at least talk to Trixie about it and see how she felt about moving. She'd be at least a little more clear on what she should do after that.

After getting home with Trixie, Chloe led her daughter into the kitchen and they both sat down.

"Is everything okay?" Trixie asked a bit nervously. She almost felt like she was in trouble. She couldn't think of anything she'd done recently, but that didn't mean there wasn't anything.

"Yeah, it's fine, Monkey. There's just something I wanted to talk to you about," Chloe said.

"Okay," Trixie said.

Chloe took a deep breath and tried to think of the best way to propose this to her daughter. "So, I was thinking we could use a change. We've lived in this place for a while now, and I was wondering what you'd think about moving somewhere else."

Horror displayed on Trixie's face when she heard what her mother had to say. She didn't like it one bit. "What? Why do we have to go? I love it here. Is it because you're mad at Maze? She said she was sorry for what happened before!"

Chloe lifted her hand up to try to stop her daughter. "Whoa, calm down, Monkey. I'm not saying we have to move. I've just been thinking about it. And I'm not mad at Maze. It has nothing to do with that."

"But you want to go, which means we're going to," Trixie said miserably.

"No, that's not necessarily true. I haven't decided yet. That's why we're talking about it. I wanted your opinion too before I made any decision," Chloe said.

"I don't want to go, Mommy. Please don't make me move," Trixie cried.

"Okay, baby, calm down. It was just an idea. Lucifer thought we might like to move in with him," Chloe said.

Trixie stopped crying immediately and even started to smile a little. "We'd be moving in with Lucifer?"

Chloe stared at her daughter in disbelief. It was like her mood had changed in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, Trixie seemed almost excited at the idea. "Yeah. Lucifer would like for us to live with him for a while."

Trixie began to imagine the possibilities. She loved spending time with Lucifer. He was funny and would let her do things neither of her parents would. Living with him would be so much fun. "Well, it would probably be okay if we moved in with Lucifer."

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