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Linda stared at Lucifer in shock. He'd just told her that Chloe was pregnant with his child. That shocked her for many reasons. The first was that she didn't know that Lucifer and Chloe had gotten together. The second was, of course, the irony. She'd recently found out about her own celestial pregnancy. "Chloe's having your child."

Lucifer nodded.

"I didn't release that the two of you were together," Linda said.

"It was only once, right before we learned of what happened to Charlotte," Lucifer said.

"Still, I would've thought that something you would've wanted to talk about," Linda said.

"It was overshadowed by other things," Lucifer said. He likely would've mentioned something if not for the fact that Chloe had also soon afterwards found out who he was and left the country. That was more on his mind than them having sex.

"Right. Chloe also found out the truth about you. It must have been shocking for you to find out she was carrying your child," Linda said.

"Oh, yes, it was bloody flabbergasting. I didn't think it was possible for celestials to procreate. I thought the child was surely Pierce's when she first said she was pregnant, but she'd already done the math, plus she says she took precautions with him. She probably wished it were his," Lucifer said. He whispered the last part under his breath.

"It's really weird. Me and Chloe both pregnant with half angels," Linda said, still really surprised.

"Yes, Amenadiel told me just after I found out about the detective being pregnant," Lucifer said.

"Does Amenadiel know?" Linda wondered.

"No, and I ask that you not tell him. We're trying not to tell many right now. Only you and Maze know," Lucifer said.

"Of course. I would never repeat anything you say here to anyone else. Would you mind if I spoke to Chloe though? I wouldn't tell her what we talked about. I'm just interested in talking to her, as she's the only one going through what I am," Linda assured him. She wanted to makes sure he knew she wouldn't breech confidentiality.

"Oh, that's certainly fine. She mentioned talking with you as well," Lucifer said.

Linda nodded. "Have the two of you decided what you're going to do next."

"Yes. The detective and her offspring will be moving in with me in a couple of days," Lucifer said.

That caught Linda a bit off-guard. "You're moving in together. You don't think it's a bit too soon?"

"It's not like that. It's a safety precaution," Lucifer said. He explained about Kinley and how he came to be a threat to his child. He of course included the detective agreeing to help him sent Lucifer back to Hell.

Linda sighed sadly when she heard the story. Chloe had clearly taken the truth seriously badly. She had obviously come to her senses quickly, but that didn't erase the hurt that she'd caused Lucifer. "Lucifer I'm sorry. You must have been going through hell is finding that out."

Lucifer snorted. "Your choice of words is beyond ironic. It hasn't exactly been pleasant to deal with."

"How are you handling it?"

"The detective tried to have me sent back to Hell. How should I handle it?" Lucifer asked bitterly.

"Well, from what you've told me, she wasn't exactly trying. She considered it, but changed her mind before anything happened," Linda said.

"It's the same thing, and she changed her mind because she found out she was pregnant," Lucifer said. The detective had said she would've changed her mind anyway, but it was easy to say that when it hadn't happened that way.

"Did she tell you that?" Linda asked.

"Sort of. She said the baby helped her see that she was wrong," Lucifer said.

"That's not the same thing. Children can help their parents see things that might have taken them longer otherwise. That seems like what Chloe was telling you happened. She doesn't seem to be saying that without the baby, she'd want you in Hell," Linda explained.

"No, I suppose not," Lucifer conceded.

"Do you think it's a good idea for you to move Chloe in with you right now. You're obviously very angry and hurt. You are justified in that, but it may not be the best idea to move her in with you under those circumstances, especially given that children are involved," Linda said.

"I won't bad mouth her in front of her offspring or ours, nor disrespect her even when we're alone," Lucifer said defensively. He was not like Detective Douche. He might be angry, but he still respected the detective as a person. He would never treat her any other way. "Besides, I need her to be close. Kinley is likely to come after her when he finds out she's carrying my offspring."

"Uh, just a really quick thing, do you think any celestial child would be at risk?" Linda asked nervously, a hand unconsciously going to her stomach. She didn't want to make Lucifer's session about her, but she needed to know if her baby was in danger.

"What? No. Even if Kinley knew about Amenadiel, which I doubt, your child would be considered just part angel and human. Because I'm the d evil, mine is labeled the Antichrist. Some humans can be bloody stupid. There's no such being," Lucifer said with a scowl. It used to amuse him when people would speculate about his future child. That was when he didn't think any child of his would exist. Now that it did, the term infuriated him.

"There isn't?"

"No. Humans made that up. We didn't even think it was possible for celestials to have children before now. Well, my father probably knew, but he had nothing to do with moniker my child will now have to live with," Lucifer said

"How do you feel about the fact that you're going to have a child soon?" Linda asked.

Lucifer looked at her like she had two heads. As far as he was concerned, the answer should be obvious. "Terrified, of course. Children are frightening, they're messy, and they insist on touching you all the time. And I'm going to be living with two of them!"

Linda smiled as he spoke of children like they were the most horrifying things to exist. This was the Devil they were talking about, and he was scared of kids.

"It gets even worse than that. Children are fragile. You do or say the wrong thing, and you mess them up for life. How am I supposed to parent one?" Lucifer asked.

"Okay, yes, kids are fragile, but I don't think it's as bad as you think it is. You won't mess your child up by making a few mistakes, and you will make those mistakes," Linda said.

Lucifer eyes widened even further in terror.

"It's not going to damage your child to make some mistakes. That's just how life works. I'm scared to. Being a parent is scary. Although, mine is more about the idea of a baby with wings," Linda said.

"Hmm. Yes, I hadn't thought of that. It might not be born with wings. I think it's more likely that those will develop later. There's no way to know though," Lucifer said.

"Yeah, that's what Amenadiel said. Look, the point is that every parent is scared, but it usually ends up okay. You've already got a lot on your side. I can tell just from listening to you that you already care about your child, and you've made it clear you intend to be there," Linda said.

"Well, of course. I am no deadbeat. I would not abandon my child for any reason," Lucifer said firmly.

"And that makes you a good father already. Have faith in yourself. You're a good man, Lucifer," Linda said.

Lucifer chuckled. "I'm the Devil."

"Yes, and a better man than half of those I've met," Linda said.

"Thank you, Doctor. Well, I guess our hour is up. I should go. I'm do at Lux," Lucifer said before standing up.

"I'll see you soon. Things will be okay, Lucifer, for all of us. Our kids make us family now, so you and Chloe won't be alone in it," Linda said.

"Thank you," he said again before heading out of the room.

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