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Chloe walked with Lucifer into the station Monday morning. After finding out that Father Kinley knew about the baby, she'd conceded to letting Lucifer drive her to work for a while. She didn't like the idea of giving into fear that way, but she also didn't want to place her child at risk. Yes, she was still a police detective and handled herself well, but being pregnant made her vulnerable.

Chloe went to her desk and sat down. "Thanks for driving me, though you didn't have to follow me in."

"What are you talking about? I'm not leaving," Lucifer said as if the idea were ridiculous.

Chloe looked at him with surprise. Lucifer hadn't really consulted since she'd gone on desk duty. Lucifer didn't do paperwork, and frankly, Chloe preferred it that way. The last time Lucifer 'helped' with paperwork, he'd just created even more work for her. "You wanna stay here while I do paperwork?"

"Kinley knows everything. I'm not leaving you alone," Lucifer said firmly.

"Lucifer, I'm in the middle of a police station. Kinley can't be stupid enough to try something here," Chloe said.

"Oh, Detective, you have no idea how stupid priests can be. People like Kinley are arrogant. They believe they can't be touched because they're God's messengers, though the idea of that is asinine. Father has plenty of soldiers without resorting to humans. Anyway, Kinley is no exception to those preachers. He thinks he can do as he pleases," Lucifer said.

Chloe couldn't deny that he was right about that. Kinley had even told her that he didn't respect the law. He believed it didn't apply to him because he believed he had the backing of God. Still, she found it hard to believe he would walk into a police station and kill her.

Before Chloe had the chance to make her argument with Lucifer, she noticed Dan coming her way. She glowered at him. He was the last person she wanted to see right now. "We're not talking here, Dan. Walk away."

"I just wanna know how Trixie is," Dan said. He'd tried to call Chloe the day after Lucifer took Trixie, but she wouldn't answer the phone. He wanted to make sure Trixie was okay and to apologize for what happened.

"Now you care about Trixie? Too bad you didn't care when you were scaring the hell out of her," Chloe said angrily. She was livid when Lucifer told her what happened. She couldn't believe Dan would do that. He'd had a lot of anger issues since Charlotte's death, but she didn't want to believe he'd every take that anger out on their daughter.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, Chloe. I was messed up," Dan said.

"You were drunk. Come on, we're not putting on a show here," Chloe said before getting up and leading the way to the lab. Ella wasn't in yet, so it would be empty. She walked inside and waited for Dan to do the same before closing the door. "What the hell were you even thinking getting drunk when you had Trixie."

"I…I forgot that I had her this weekend. I'd already started drinking. Hey, and your new roommate drinks all the time, ever n on the job," Dan pointed out. It was another reason he couldn't stand the bastard. He got away with everything he did, especially where Chloe was concerned.

"Lucifer doesn't get drunk, and he definitely doesn't start screaming at children. If you forgot you were supposed to have Trixie, you should've sent her home when you realized you were too screwed up to take care of her," Chloe said. She wasn't happy that he even forgot about their daughter, but she wasn't going to dwell on it when there was so much more to focus on. Besides, mistakes happened. That could be considered a mistake. Being drunk around Trixie and terrifying her was not.

"I tried. The sitter said you had left for the night," Dan said.

"Lucifer was home," Chloe said.

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