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Chloe made her way inside Lucifer's penthouse. He'd asked her to come by after she finished her paperwork at the station, which of course, he didn't stick around to help with. "Lucifer, I'm here."

Lucifer walked in from down the hall. "Hello, Detective. Thank you for coming. Come with me."

Chloe followed him down the hall into one of the previously unoccupied rooms. It had very little in it, just a large bed.

"This was Maze's old room. Don't worry, I changed the mattress. Of course, you can bring your own bed if you like, I promise this will be much more comfortable," Lucifer.

"Wow. This room is huge. You should've called me. I would've helped you clean it out. It will be my room after all. The least I could've done was help," Chloe said.

"Oh, I didn't do it. I paid someone to," Lucifer said as though it was obvious.

"Of course," Chloe said with an eye roll.

"Your Spawn's room will be next door. It's empty. I also took the liberty of getting her a bed. The rest, she can decorate as she likes," Lucifer said.

"You didn't have to do that. The bed she has would've been fine, mine too," Chloe said.

"But these are far more comfortable. The only trouble I see now is that I'm out of rooms. When this child is born, it won't have one," Lucifer said.

"That's okay. We've got a while before we have to worry about that. After the baby's born, he or she should spend the first few months sleeping in the room with one of us. That's what Dan and I did with Trixie. We have time to figure it out," Chloe said. She wasn't sure how long this arrangement would last anyway. She knew Lucifer only asked her to move in because of Kinley. He was still really angry with her. He didn't really want her there.

"Very well. I hired movers to help you move your things here as well. You said you should be ready by next weekend, so I hired them for Saturday," he said.

"You what? Lucifer, we don't need movers. All we need is a truck. We can move everything ourselves," Chloe said.

"Nonesense. You shouldn't lift anything heavy while you're pregnant, and the Devil does not do manual labor. The Devil does not get dirty," Lucifer said firmly.

"The Devil is about to be a father. He's going to get dirty," Chloe said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, about that. I was wondering if you'd be alright with me telling Linda," Lucifer said. Finding out he was going to be a father was the most frightening thing to ever happen to him, including being cast into Hell. He would really like to talk to his shrink about it. But he and the Detective had an unspoken agreement not to talk about it because of Kinley. The detective had told Maze, but that was a matter of safety. Maze could protect her if she knew.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I know finding out you're have a baby is hard for you. You should talk to Linda about. In fact, I should probably talk to her myself. Maze told me she was pregnant as well with Amenadiel's child," Chloe said. Maze had let that slip a couple of days ago. It was certainly surprising. They were both carrying angel's children that would probably be just a few weeks apart in age.

"Yes, Amenadiel told me a couple of weeks ago."

"Did you tell him?" Chloe wondered.

"No, not without your consent, plus we'd basically decided not to tell anyone," Lucifer said.

"We will have to tell people soon, as it will be obvious before long, but I want to tell Trixie before a lot of people know. I'm okay with Linda, since she's your therapist, but would you mind waiting a little longer before telling Amenadiel?" Chloe asked.

"No, that's fine," Lucifer said. He then heard the faint noise of the elevator dinging. "I'll be right back."

"Yeah. I'm just going to get a feel for how I want this room to look," Chloe said.

Lucifer went out to greet whoever had entered the penthouse. He froze as he reached the living room and saw who it was. A woman with long, curly dark hair and slightly tan skin was smiling at him. He recognized her immediately as the first woman he'd ever been with. Eve.

"Lucifer, Hi."

Lucifer stared at her in shock. "Bloody hell!"

"I've been looking for you down in the club. I heard you owned this place. Finally, one of the bartenders told me you lived up here." Eve said.

"How in the world are you here?" Lucifer asked, still in shock.

Just then, Chloe came out. "What's going on?"

Eve looked at her. "Oh, I didn't know you had other company."

"He doesn't. I live here, or I will by the end of next week," Chloe said. She was certain it seemed like she was staking her claim, and to be fair, a part of her was. She couldn't deny feeling a bit jealous of the beautiful young woman. She didn't know who she was, but she figured it was likely that she was one of Lucifer's flings. Most women who came to his penthouse were.

Eve's face fell considerable. "Oh, I didn't realize."

"Eve, you didn't answer me. How did you get out of the Silver City?" Lucifer asked.

"Whoa! The Sliver City? You mean Heaven? Wait, she said her name is Eve. That can't mean…" Chloe trailed off in shock as she realized who the woman was. She was one of the first humans to ever exist.

"Yes, Detective. This is the Eve you're thinking of. Eve, this is Chloe Decker. Now, please answer the question," Lucifer said.

"Well, Heaven was getting pretty boring so I decided to leave," Eve said as though it were an everyday occurrence.

"Decided to leave?" Chloe asked in disbelief.

"Uh huh. I decided to come to LA to have some fun. Then I found out Lucifer was also here and decided to come for a visit," Eve explained.

"You just walked out of Heaven?" Chloe asked.

"Well, it was a little more complicated, but sort of," Eve said before turning to Lucifer. "So how have you been, Luce?"

"Uh, well, I suppose. You are obviously doing well too," Lucifer said.

"Yeah. I had a bit of an altercation with some guy about a necklace a while back, but I'm good now. I thought we could catch up, but obviously you're busy," Eve said a bit disappointed.

"Uh, a little, yes,"

"Wait, I recognize you. You were in a photo for one of my cases, and if I recall, it did include a necklace," Chloe said before turning to Lucifer. You decided not to join my for that one. It was right after we fought."

"I didn't actually have the necklace that guy wanted," Eve said.

"I know. We recovered it," Chloe said.

"Well, I guess I should go. We can catch up later, Luce," Eve said.

Lucifer nodded and watched her leave.

"It's seriously possible to get out of Heaven?" Chloe asked Lucifer once she was gone.

"Not to my knowledge. Dad really should've done a better job of sealing the exits," Lucifer said.

"She was your girlfriend, right?" Chloe asked.

"Sort of, I suppose. I was with her mainly to tick my father off, which worked like a charm. I cared for her, but I don't think I'd call her my girlfriend," Lucifer said.

Chloe nodded. She was honestly relieved to hear that. She had feelings for Lucifer that extending much further than him being the father of her child, and that hadn't changed despite everything that happened. Fear had just become more powerful for a short time. "Okay, well, I should get home to Trixie."

"Of course. I'll see you at the precinct tomorrow, Detective," he said.

Chloe nodded and headed for the elevator.

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