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Just three weeks later, Chloe was holding her son in his new room at the hospital. He'd been deemed recovered enough to leave the NICU, but they still wanted to watch a little longer in the hospital, so he couldn't go home yet. Lucifer had gotten him a private room. That normally wasn't allowed but Lucifer made it happen both with his charms and his checkbook.

Chloe smiled down at her son. She was so happy. Her baby was getting stronger every day. She and Lucifer would be able to take him home soon. "I can't get enough of you, you know? I can't wait to get you home. I know you've been moved a lot, but I promise when we get you home, it'll be the last time. Today though, you get to meet your big sister. I told you about Trixie. She can't wait to meet you. She's been so patient, and she's not usually a patient one. You'll love her."

Just then, Lucifer came through the door. He immediately held his arms out as he walked towards them. "My turn."

Chloe laughed and handed their son over to him. Lucifer's apprehension over holding their son had completely evaporated. He held Lucas whenever he could, and only reluctantly ever put him down. It was hard to believe that this was the man who told her he despised children the first day they met. He adored Lucas. Trixie too. It had been clear to Chloe for a while that he loved her daughter as his own. He would do anything she asked of him and kill to protect her. Both Chloe's children were lucky to have him in their lives.

"Hello, Lucas. Daddy's here. Were you good for your mother?"

"He's literally an angel. How did things go at Lux?" Chloe asked. Now that things were calming down a little, Lucifer had to put some time in at the club.

"Well, I would've much rather been here, but it wasn't terrible," Lucifer said.

"Have you heard any more about Kinley?" Chloe asked. She knew about Lucifer's visit to him. He was honest with her about what he'd done. In the past, she would've taken issue with such an act of violence, but Kinley had almost killed their son. Honestly, while she hoped it didn't come to it, she would be okay with Lucifer killing him if he had to.

"No, not since the idiots I had watching him lost him just after he checked out of the hospital," Lucifer said with a scowl. Those men had been fired on the spot when he learned that they'd failed to keep an eye on the bastard.

"You don't think he took your advice and left, do you?" Chloe asked. She found it difficult to believe, but she had a little hope that that was what happened. She just wanted to believe her baby was safe.

"No," Lucifer said.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Dan walked in a second later with Trixie, who was smiling and carrying a stuffed bunny.

"Hey, Monkey. Come on over," Chloe said.

"Remember what we talked about though. Quiet voices," Dan added.

Trixie ran over and looked at her little brother. "Wow. He looks so cute."

"Yes, he does. Lucas, meet your sister, Trixie," Chloe said.

"I brought the bunny I picked out for him," Trixie said.

"That's great. We'll put it next to him when we put him down," Chloe said.

"Can I hold him?" Trixie asked.

Chloe cringed. She didn't want to disappoint her daughter, but she wasn't comfortable with that yet. One look at Lucifer, and she knew he wasn't either. Trixie had held babies before, but none as small as Lucas. "Not today, honey. He's too small right now."

"But I held Charlie," Trixie argued.

"Monkey, Charlie is bigger than your little brother," Dan said. He understood their apprehension. Lucas was quite small for his age still, and Chloe and Lucifer were probably still reeling from the hard start their son had received.

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