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Chloe walked through Lux. Lucifer was working in the club tonight, and with Trixie with Dan, she decided to come down as well. Of course, it wasn't as fun when she couldn't drink, but she'd make do.

Chloe noticed Lucifer's ex-girlfriend, one of the first humans to ever be created sitting at the bar. In a split second decision, she decided to join her. She went up the bar and sat next to Eve. "Hi."

Eve turned and smiled slightly at the woman next to her. "Hi. You're Lucifer's roommate."

"It's a little more than that," Chloe said. She wasn't lying, but she was deliberately letting Eve think she and Lucifer were together.''

Eve's smile faded a bit. "Oh, that's nice."

"You come here a lot?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, yeah, most nights. This place is a lot of fun. I miss having fun," Eve said, her smile returning.

Chloe had a feeling it wasn't just fun Eve was interested in, at least not the fun that Lux itself could bring. It was more like she wanted the fun that it's owner could give her.

Soon, the bartender approached. "Hey, Detective Decker. Can I get you anything?"

"Just water," Chloe told him with a smile.

"You don't drink?" Eve asked.

"Not right now. You know, I knew your son. I almost married him. Though I didn't know who he really was," Chloe said.

"Sorry," Eve said. She didn't know what this woman's history was with Cain, but she knew it couldn't be good.

"Don't be. You're not responsible for him," Chloe said. She meant that. Pierce had been responsible for his own choices. No one forced him to do what he did.

"Sometimes I think I must have done something wrong for him to turn out that way," Eve said.

Chloe shook her head. "Pierce…. Cain wasn't a child. He chose who he became. He'd chosen it for an eternity."

"I guess so. Did he hurt you?" Eve asked.

"Not in the way you're asking. He used me. He thought being around me could end his curse. He didn't try to physically hurt me until the end when I wouldn't let him kill Lucifer," Chloe said. Lucifer had told her why Pierce had gotten close to her. He thought she could make him vulnerable, like she did Lucifer, and break his curse.

"Why would he think that?" Eve asked.

Before Chloe could say anything else, she noticed someone watching her. She noticed a young woman with dark skin and hair looking at her intently. She didn't appear very friendly. "Can I help you?"

The woman didn't say anything. She just walked forward and continued to stare at Chloe.

Chloe stood up and eyed the woman in front of her suspiciously, going right into cop mode. This woman clearly had some kind of interest in her. She was staring at her like prey. "Do I know you?"

"You are the incubator for my brother's offspring," she said.

Chloe raised both eyebrows, unable to believe the woman's bold words. "Excuse me?"

"Is everything okay?" Eve asked as she got up from her seat.

"Remiel?" a new voice asked.

They all turned to see Amenadiel coming towards them.

"Amenadiel. This is a sibling of yours, I'm guessing," Chloe said. The woman's words eluded to that anyway. She called Chloe an incubator for her brother's child. The incredibly crude words made what she was pretty clear.

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