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Lucifer stared in shock. The last thing he expected to find when he entered his son's room was his father ending the life of Father Kinley. He did expect some sort of word from his father, as he had still yet to receive his father's price for saving Lucas, but he didn't think he'd come personally. He more expected one of his siblings to show up or just to find himself trapped in Hell. It also occurred to him that the threat to his child's life had not been as gone as they'd thought. Kinley had been in the same room with Lucas.

Chloe was shocked as well, and also horrified. Seeing Kinley had scared the hell out of her. She'd thought it was over. Dan assured her and Lucifer that he was gone. She should've been more skeptical. Kinley wasn't one to just give up. Seeing Kinley killed right in front of her from this… man's wave of a hand had been shocking, but it didn't horrify her the way it would've if it was anyone else. It did make her pretty sure of who he was though, even before he called Lucifer his son. "That's…"

"Yes," was all Lucifer said as he started at his father in apprehension. He knew his father was going to demand payment, and he was afraid. He was probably about to lose everything.

"I do apologize for just showing up this way, but the situation regarding William Kinley was becoming out of control. I decided it was a problem that needed personal attention.

Chloe wanted to go to her baby, both because of the threat he'd just faced, and because she was afraid God was there to take him. She needed him in her arms. But God was standing right in her path. He could no doubt stop her.

God took a step away from the crib and smiled at Chloe. "Please, don't let me stand in your way. I assure you though, your child is fine."

Chloe immediately ran over and picked up her son. She held him close. She'd come close to losing him tonight. If not for God, she probably would've. "It's okay, sweetheart. Mommy and Daddy are right here."

Lucifer ran over as well, his eyes never leaving his father's. He was waiting for the being's next move, because he knew there would be one.

God sighed. Unfortunately, he was not surprised by his son's suspicion. He didn't blame Lucifer for it either. There was much he needed to tell his son. He'd wanted to tell him long before now, but things needed to be handled in precise manner.

Chloe looked up at God as well. She took him in. She didn't expect him to look so normal. He radiated power and he was wearing a take no prisoner's business suit, but other than that, he looked like anyone else. He looked like someone she'd see on the street and would barely blink an eye at.

Chloe held her baby close. She knew looks were deceiving, and again, God's power radiated off of him. She knew to be wary of him, especially given Lucifer's fear that he might take Lucas away, or send Lucifer to Hell.

God smiled warmly at the woman his son loved. "You need not worry, my dear. I received your message."

Chloe wasn't sure what he meant at first, but then remembered her prayer to God about the possibility of him taking Lucifer or their son away. She couldn't help but blush a bit, and become a bit more nervous. She'd basically threatened God. She wouldn't regret fighting for her family, but it seemed kind of stupid now. It wasn't like she could stop him. That was even more clear after watching him kill Kinley."

"Message? What?" Lucifer asked.

God ignored his son and focused on the woman. "There's no need to be frightened, Chloe. I mean you no harm. I certainly understand the situation you found yourself in. I would've done the same."

Chloe relaxed slightly, but she was still on edge. What had God meant by that. Did he mean he wasn't going to try to take Lucas or Lucifer, or just that he wouldn't punish her for demanding that he don't?

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