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Lucifer made his rounds throughout Lux, ensuring his patrons were kept satisfied and that everything was running smoothly. Several of the ladies flirted with him, attempting to get an invite to his penthouse, as they would've gotten several months ago, but not only was that no longer possible, he found he wasn't all that interested anymore.

Lucifer walked to the bar to get himself a drink. He immediately got the bartender's attention. "Pour me a Scotch."

"Sure thing, Lucifer," he said.

"Hey, Luce."

Lucifer turned to see Eve approach the bar. "Ah, Eve, you're back again."

"Yeah. I love your club. I hope it's okay," Eve said with a coy smile.

"Yes, of course. All are welcome," Lucifer said before receiving his drink and taking a sip.

"Did things go okay with your sister?" Eve asked.

"Hmm. Yes, I forgot you were present for that. She has been properly dealt with. She will stay away. If she doesn't, I will deal with her," Lucifer swore. No one was taking his child away, and certainly not to Heaven.

"So, you're having a baby?" Eva asked, trying to sound casual.

"Yes," Lucifer said.

"I wouldn't have thought that was something you'd want. You're usually just about having fun," Eve said.

Lucifer laughed. "I still enjoy fun."

"Yeah, but it's not like it was before."

"Well, that was eons ago. Everyone changes with time," Lucifer said.

"But not the Devil, at least I wouldn't have thought so. I figured you'd be the same as you always were, but now you have a girlfriend and a child coming," Eve said with disappointment in her voice.

Lucifer frowned, hearing the tone of voice. "Did you come here for me, Eve?"

"I…I told you. I came to have some fun," Eve said.

Lucifer was about to say something when his phone rang. He took it out and saw that Daniel's name was displayed on the screen. He immediately answered it. He had no interest in talking to the douche, but the child was with him for the weekend. "Yes, Daniel?"

"Lucifer, it's me. Can you come get me?" Trixie's shaky voice asked.

"Child, what's wrong? Where's your father?" Lucifer asked as fear took effect. The child was obviously frightened. His first thought was that Kinley had gotten to her, deciding to target her to get to him.

"He's sleeping. I took his phone when he fell asleep. I called Mommy, but she didn't answer," Trixie cried.

Lucifer wasn't surprised to hear that. The Detective had gone to Linda's for a few hours, undoubtedly, to discuss impending motherhood. She'd forgotten her phone at the penthouse. "What's the matter, Spawn?"

"Daddy was weird when the babysitter dropped me off. He forgot I was coming today. He was talking weird when I got there and he was drinking alcohol," Trixie said.

Lucifer glowered a bit as he listened to the child. Clearly, Daniel had gotten drunk and done something to frighten the girl. "Keep going. What did he do?"

"He got mad when I was talking about the baby and then about you. He started yelling and saying really mean things about you," Trixie said.

"Did he lay his hands on you?" Lucifer asked, trying very hard to remain calm for the child's sake. If he found out that Daniel struck her, he was going to send him right to Hell tonight.

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