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Chloe woke up in her bed at the penthouse for the first time after moving in. She'd had a wonderful night's sleep. She'd decided to keep the bed Lucifer had provided her with, and she was glad she did because it was very comfortable.

Chloe got up and made her way out of the room to wake up Trixie, but as soon as she stepped outside her room, she heard her daughter's laughter coming towards the kitchen. She could also smell the aroma of bacon. Apparently, Lucifer had decided to cook breakfast.

Chloe went into the kitchen and found Lucifer putting plates of food on the table while Trixie sat patiently.

"HI, Mommy," Trixie said.

"Morning, Monkey. It looks like you were up even before me this morning," Chloe said.

"Yeah, I smelled Lucifer cooking," Trixie said.

"Good morning, Detective. Please sit," Lucifer said as he pointed to a spot at the table where he'd already placed a plate filled with bacon, eggs, and toast.

"Thank you," Chloe said before sitting down and digging into her breakfast.

Lucifer went and grabbed his plate before joining them at the table. "I trust you slept well, Detective?"

"Extremely so. How about you, Monkey?" Chloe asked as she took a bite of her eggs.

"Uh huh. I love my room. It's so much bigger than my old room and the bed was really comfy," Trixie said.

"Of course, it is. I wouldn't allow anything but the best," Lucifer said.

"Well, we appreciate all that you have done. We're grateful that you asked us to live here with you," Chloe said.

"Yeah, it's so much more fun here already," Trixie said.

"Of course."

"Okay, Trixie, we have eat quickly. We have a few extra minutes this morning, but we still have work and school," Chloe said before turning to Lucifer. "I'll see you at the station later, right?"

"What? No, we should drive together," Lucifer said. He did not like the idea of the detective leaving by herself. Who knew when Kinley might show up or what he might do? Currently, there was no reason to believe that Kinley knew about the child the detective was carrying, but they didn't know that for certain, and ever if the bastard didn't know, Lucifer wouldn't put using the detective against him past the man.

Chloe wasn't all that surprised by Lucifer's reaction. He'd been very protective since finding out about Kinley. When he wasn't with her, he usually made sure Maze was. Not that he needed to. Maze was pretty insistent on not letting Chloe out of her sight without Lucifer's say so. As much as she appreciated their concern, it was becoming a little much. "Lucifer, I will be fine driving into work."

"But it's better to stay together. We can take your care to drive the child to school and then go to the station," Lucifer said.

"Uh, Trixie, go get changed and get your stuff ready for school please," Chloe told her daughter.

Trixie nodded before getting up and heading for her room.

"Listen, I know you're worried. So am I, but you have to back off a little. I will be fine driving to work," Chloe told Lucifer calmly.

"You don't know that. You don't know how much this priest knows or what he's willing to do. He's already unknowingly threatened you and the child you're carrying," Lucifer said.

"Yes, and I agree we need to stay alert and close together. That's why I agreed it was a good idea to move in together, but there is such a thing as being too cautious. If we react too cautiously, we might just alert Kinley that something is going on. Besides, right now, there's no reason to believe he knows I'm pregnant," Chloe said. She whispered the last part just in case Trixie was nearby.

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