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"No," Chloe said to Lucifer as they stepped out of the elevator and into the penthouse. They walked in to find Maze sitting on the couch, which was unsurprising since they asked her to watch Trixie for them. It had been about a month since Chloe moved in. They'd just come from a doctor's appointment.

"Why not? You're being entirely unreasonable, Detective," Lucifer said.

"I don't care," Chloe said matter-of-factly.

"It's my offspring too, is it not?" Lucifer asked.

Chloe turned and smiled at him. "Yes, and once it's born, you get an equal say, but while the kid is in my body, I make the decisions."

"I hardly see how that's fair," Lucifer argued.

Maze smirked at them. "I knew it was gonna be fun watching the two of you deal with this. What are you arguing about anyway?"

"The baby's gender. Lucifer wants to know, I don't," Chloe said.

"Which doesn't make any sense. We need to come up with something to call the offspring, as well as preparing for it. Plus, it would probably be well advised to stop calling it 'it', which we can only do once we know what other pronoun to use," Lucifer said.

"We can brainstorm names for both genders and buy non-gender specific items. We don't need to know."

"But I want to!" Lucifer whined.

Chloe rolled her eyes at him. "I feel like this is going to be my third child instead of my second."

Just then, Trixie came out. "Mommy."

"Hey, Monkey. Did you have fun with Maze?" Chloe asked.

"Are you sick?" Trixie asked worriedly.

"What? No. Why would you think I'm sick?" Chloe asked.

"Maze said you had a doctor's appointment, and I've heard you throwing up a lot," she said.

Chloe sighed. She supposed it was time. She didn't want Trixie worried about her. Plus, she was starting to show slightly. It was going to be pretty obvious soon enough.

"Okay, I'm gonna go," Maze said before getting up and heading to the elevator.

Chloe looked towards Lucifer and whispered. "We can't hide it much longer anyway."

Lucifer nodded.

"Sit down, Trixie. Lucifer and I have something to tell you," Chloe said.

"You are sick, aren't you?" Trixie asked with fear in her voice.

"No, baby. I promise you I'm fine. Just sit down," Chloe said gently.

Trixie did as her mother asked.

Chloe sat next to her and Lucifer took a seat in chair across from them. "The reason I've been sick lately and have been going to the doctor is because I found out something really exciting when we were in Rome."

"How can something exciting make you sick?" Trixie asked.

Chloe chuckled. "I know it sounds strange, but sometimes you can be sick for good reasons. Monkey, the reason I've been sick is because I'm gonna have a baby."

Trixie's eyes widened, both in shock and excitement. "Really? I'm gonna have a brother or sister?!"

Chloe smiled and nodded.

Trixie immediately tackled her mother in a big hug. "This is awesome! I won't be an only child anymore!"

Chloe chuckled and hugged her daughter back. "Well, I don't think I have to ask if you're happy."

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