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Maze sat with Trixie in Lucifer's kitchen. She wanted to be out there torturing that jackass priest for trying to kill Lucifer's son, but Lucifer wanted her with Trixie, both to watch her and make sure she was safe.

Maze had gotten a few updates on Chloe and the baby. She was in touch with Linda and Amenadiel, and Amenadiel was in touch with Lucifer when he could be. Chloe was okay, but because the baby was born too soon, he had medical problems. Yet another reason she wanted to torture Kinley.

"Maze, when are Mommy and Lucifer coming home?" Trixie suddenly asked. She was worried. She woke up to find that her mother and Lucifer were both gone. Maze wasn't telling her anything about where they were, so she knew something was wrong. Plus, they never left so early in the morning. Trixie didn't think they slept at home, and that never happened.

Maze was saved from answering when she heard the ding of the elevator. "Wait here," she said before heading out towards the elevator. She got her blade ready. She didn't know who was there, but she knew it wasn't Lucifer. It could easily be a threat.

Maze lowered her blade when she saw that it was Dan. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on my daughter. Is she okay?" Dan asked.

"She's worried. She knows something's up," Maze said.

Dan nodded. He wasn't very surprised. Trixie was perceptive. She could easily figure out that something serious was going on, especially without Chloe being in contact with her. "The people responsible for this won't get away with it."

"Damn right, he won't," Maze said. She was going to make sure Kinley paid for what he did. So would Lucifer. The bastard targeted his son and the woman he loved. He was not going to be lenient. The only reason Kinley could still breathe was that Lucifer was preoccupied. Once his son was out of the woods, all bets were off.

"I wanna see Trixie," Dan said.

"Last I knew, that doesn't happen without Decker present," Maze said.

Dan sighed. He knew it was his own fault that his visitation was so strict. He'd lost Chloe's and Trixie's trust with the way he acted. He was just glad that he'd taken it as a wakeup call. He vowed never to act so recklessly or cruelly again, especially around his daughter. "I made some terrible mistakes. I know I deserve the restrictions Chloe put on me. I will find a way to make it up to Trixie. I want to start now. Right now, she needs me. She needs someone to explain all this and make it okay for her. I assume you don't want to do it."

Maze couldn't argue with that. She did not want to explain this to the kid. She didn't even know how to do it without scaring her. She was too blunt for something like that. "She's in the kitchen.

Dan walked into the kitchen and saw Trixie at the table. He cringed when she regarded him nervously. She looked at him that same way every time he came to see her since Lucifer took her from his house, which wasn't often because that look had killed him. It was what made him realize how badly he'd screwed up. "Hey, Monkey. Can we talk for a few minutes."

"I don't want to," Trixie said as she looked away from him.

Dan sat down next to her. "You're still mad at me. I don't blame you. I was really mean to you, and it was wrong."

Trixie didn't say anything.

"I've been really unfair to a lot of people. You, your mom, Lucifer, and the baby. I've been really upset, and sometimes when you're upset, it's easier to be angry and make other people upset," Dan explained.

"That's mean," Trixie said.

"Yeah, it is. It wasn't right for me to take my anger out on anyone else, and it was really wrong for me to yell at you and scare you. I'm so sorry, Trixie," Dan said.

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