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Lucifer raced into the hospital. He'd gotten the call shortly before that Chloe had been in an accident. He'd worried that it had been a bad idea for Chloe to go driving alone. He'd tried to get her not to, but he could see her need to get out alone for a bit. He couldn't blame her for needing some time out of the penthouse by herself. It was understandable, but now he wished he'd fought harder against it. He could've at least followed her himself. Why in the world hadn't he?

"Lucifer," a voice called out.

Lucifer turned to see Dan by the intake desk of the Emergency Room. "Where is she?"

"I don't know. I just got here a few minutes ago, and they won't tell me anything. The officer on the scene called. They said it was a hit and run. The car that hit her took off right after the accident," Dan explained.

"This was not an accident!" Lucifer practically growled.

"The damned priest. We'll find him," Dan said.

"You know nothing about her condition? My child's?" Lucifer asked.

"No. The officer could only tell me that Chloe was unconscious when the ambulance took her. Does Trixie know she's hurt?" Dan asked, concerned for his daughter. He could only imagine the pain and fear this would cause his daughter, especially if Chloe was badly hurt. He wanted to go to her, but Trixie was still reluctant to be around him. He couldn't blame her. He'd screwed up badly. It was a hard road for him, but he was beginning to see how badly he'd fallen since Charlotte's death. Chloe taking away most of his visitation had forced him to realize that he truly did need help. He was finally getting it.

"No. She was asleep. Maze is with her. I need to find out what is going on," Lucifer said. He was about to demand answers from the nurse when a doctor came out.

"Family of Chloe Decker,"

Lucifer went up to the woman calling. "She had better be alright."

"How are you related, sir?" the doctor asked.

"What does that matter? Just tell me how she is!" Lucifer demanded.

"I can't give out information unless you're family," she said.

"He's the father of her child," Dan said. Lucifer was upset. He was not going to respond well with the doctor trying to withhold the information. "I also have a child with her. We need answers."

The doctor sighed. "Of course. Detective Decker will be alright. Her injuries were not life threatening. Her biggest injury is a possible concussion."

"What about my child?" Lucifer asked. He was grateful that the detective was okay, but there had yet to be a mention about the baby.

"We did an ultrasound. Your son doesn't seem to have suffered any injuries because of the accident," she said.

"My son?" Lucifer said in awe. He was having a boy.

"Yes, you're having a boy. He didn't suffer any injuries, but the stress from the accident did cause Detective Decker to into labor. They're performing a C-section now," the doctor said.

"No, wait. She can't be in labor. It's not supposed to happen until nine months. She's not even a full seven months," Lucifer said as fear creeped up inside him.

"Sometimes it happens sooner, especially when the mother is under a lot of stress. This accident itself was very stressful for both mother and baby," the doctor said.

"Can't you stop the labor? I've heard that that's happened before," Dan said. He felt terrible. He'd acted terribly upon finding out about that child. He'd projected his anger at Lucifer onto that innocent baby, and hadn't cared what happened to him. But he didn't wish this on that baby.

"Yes, but we were passed that possibility before she even got her. This baby is coming now," she said.

"No. You must stop it!" Lucifer said in a panic. His son couldn't be born tonight. He wasn't ready. Could he even live when he was born this early. The worst part was that Lucifer didn't think there was anything he could do. He doubted even the healing properties in his wings could stop labor or save an underdeveloped baby.

"Sir, I know this is frightening. It's not an ideal situation, but a baby born this premature is not as dire as it used to be. I won't lie, there is a risk. Your son will be smaller than a typical newborn, and he will need to be put in an incubator. He will need help breathing. You won't be able to hold him for a while. It will be very frightening to see, but he has a good chance."

Lucifer swallowed a few times, trying to get a hold on his fear. He wanted to scream for them to find a way for this not to happen, but it didn't see possible. "I want to see Chloe before you do it."

"I'm sorry. She's already in the OR. I can take you someplace to wait. You'll be able to get a glimpse of your son when they're done," she said with a small smile.

Lucifer nodded and followed the woman.


Lucifer was seated outside the Operating Room waiting for news. He was terrified. His child was being born now, and there was no telling how long he'd be in the world. It frightened him more than anything. He loved that child, a child he had yet to even see. He didn't know he could live with losing him.

Lucifer looked up to the ceiling and prepared to do something he had only done once before since his fall. He'd done it for Chloe. Now he would for their son. "Father, I need your help. I need you to save my son. I'll do whatever you want me to do if you'll save him. I know I said that before and I didn't hold my end, but I swear I will this time. I will follow your instructions to letter, Dad. Don't let my son die."

Lucifer was soon startled by a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see his brother. "What are you doing here?"

"Maze called. I ran into Dan when I got here and he told me where I could find you and why. I'm sorry, Luci," Amenadiel said sadly.

"That bastard has forced my son from his mother before he's ready. I don't even know if he'll live. They say he has a good chance, but also that he won't be able to breathe for himself," Lucifer said.

"Don't give up. That kid is a part of you, Luci. There's no way that any part of you isn't going to give the fight of his life. He can make it through this," Amenadiel said confidently.

Lucifer didn't respond.

"You don't pray often," Amenadiel commented. He'd walked in just as Lucifer was finishing his prayer to their father.

"Only done so once before since the Fall," Lucifer said.

"To help Chloe," Amenadiel said.

Just then, the doors to the Operating room busted open and medical personnel came out with a small blue bundle.

Lucifer got up and got a look at his son. He was very small, much smaller than Charlie had been when Lucifer first saw him. The doctor he'd spoken to had warned him that his child would be small, but he was still caught off-guard. "Is he alright?"

"You're the dad?" one of them asked.

Lucifer nodded.

"We're taking him to the Neonatal ICU. You can follow us, but you won't be able to come inside until we have him stable and assess him," he said.

"Go, Luci. I'll stay with Chloe," Amenadiel told him. His brother looked torn, wanting to be with the woman he loved, but also his newborn son.

Lucifer nodded and followed his son.

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