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Amenadiel was standing outside the NICU when Lucifer came out from visiting his son. Chloe had been taken for tests, so she wasn't with him this time. "Hello, brother."

"Hey, Luci. How is he?" Lucifer asked.

"There's not really any change. He's still not really breathing on his own. The doctor said it will be some time before he does," Lucifer said.

"He'll be okay. I'm sure of it. What about Kinley? What's going on with him?" Amenadiel asked.

Lucifer's eyes flashed red for a moment just from the mention of the priest. "Daniel told me this morning that Kinley was not the one to actually hit Chloe's car. He had someone else, equally deranged do it, but there is no evidence."

"I could deal with him. I'll make sure Kinley can never hurt any of you again," Amenadiel said. He wasn't one to harm humans, but this man had tried to murder his nephew. The baby still wasn't out of the woods because of what happened.

"No. You're bound by Father's rule not to kill a human," Lucifer said.

"I don't care," Amenadiel said.

"You will. You may have decided to reside here, but you still adhere to most of Dad's rules. Killing a human is the biggest one there is. It would eventually break you. I have already killed a human. Besides, this is my son he targeted," Lucifer said. Not only was it his job to avenge what happened to his child, it was his pleasure to as well. He was almost glad the police seemed unable to build a case. He wanted to take care of Kinley personally, and once he knew his son would be okay, he would deal with him.

Amenadiel nodded. He could understand Lucifer wanting to take care of Kinley personally. He would feel the same way if it was Charlie that was targeted. "Can I see the baby?"

"Yes, of course. We've given them a list of who can see him. You are on it. You'll just need to give the guard at the door the ID I got for you," Lucifer. Just then, he noticed someone approach behind his brother. It was Eve. "Go on and see him. I'll be there in a moment."

Amenadiel nodded walked towards the doors to the NICU.

Lucifer approached Eve. "Hello, Eve. What are you doing here?"

"Hey. I was at your club last night. I asked where you were. One of your workers said something happened to your baby. I'm really sorry, Luce," Eve said.

"Thank you. I'm certain my son will be alright," Lucifer said with less confidence than he liked. He wanted to believe his son would be okay, but he was still worried.

"Well, that's good."

"You didn't have to come here," Lucifer said. He actually wished she hadn't. He'd guessed a while ago that she wanted to rekindle what happened between them in the Garden. He'd spent the last few months keeping his distance in hopes that she'd get the message that didn't feel the same way. And he couldn't deny being annoyed that she was intruding while his son was fighting for his life.

"Oh, it's okay. I wanted to help you. I thought I could make you feel better. Maybe we can go for a walk," Eve said.

"I'm not going anywhere. My son is in critical condition and Chloe is still healing from her injuries," Lucifer said.

Eve was a little disappointed by his response, but she wasn't giving up. She was determined to get some time along with him. "Okay. I could sit with you and…"

"Eve, I don't want you're here," Lucifer finally said. He'd had enough. He was aggravated that she was using such a terrible incident to come at him. It didn't help that he'd had little to no sleep since everything happened.

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