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Chloe walked into the NICU early the next morning. She went over right after she dropped Trixie off at school. Well, she should say after Maze dropped Trixie off. The demon refused to let Chloe go anywhere alone. She'd insisted on driving. It didn't matter how many times Chloe logically told her that Kinley had no reason to go after her personally anymore.

When she got to her son's side, she found Lucifer asleep in a chair. She smiled. Despite the fact the position he was in couldn't be very comfortable, he appeared sound asleep and peaceful.

Rather than wake her boyfriend, Chloe approached her son. She immediately noticed the toy bear on her way and picked it up. "Hey, Lucas. It looks like Daddy got you a friend. Did he keep you company while Daddy slept?"

Lucifer suddenly groaned in the chair he was sleeping in.

Chloe turned and smiled. "Hey. I see you got some sleep."

Lucifer blinked as he opened his eyes. He was surprised to find himself well rested. He expected he'd only sleep an hour or two. Not even the Devil could sleep comfortably in that bloody chair. He still couldn't say he was comfortable, but he slept well. "I was asleep all night?"

"It seems like it. I'm glad. You haven't gotten a lot of sleep since our boy was born," Chloe said.

Lucifer noticed the stuffed animal in her hand. "Stopped by the store, did you?"

Chloe frowned as she followed his gaze down to stuffed animal in her hand. "What are you talking about? I figured you went to the giftshop and got this."

"No, I haven't gone anywhere. I wouldn't settle for a hospital gift shop for our child," Lucifer said. He suddenly became anxious and afraid, realizing someone had made their way to his son while he was asleep.

Lucifer jumped up and rushed to the baby's side. He looked for any sign that something might be wrong with him. "I didn't buy that. It wasn't here when I fell asleep. Kinley!"

Chloe felt herself begin to slip into fear as well, but she tried to remain calm and think things through. "Why would Kinley leave Lucas a teddy bear?"

"I don't know. Perhaps to let us know he was here. How could I sleep through that? How could I allow myself to become so careless?" Lucifer asked guiltily.

"Lucifer, this ward is one of the most secure in the hospital, and there's a guard outside," Chloe said. She was trying to convince herself more than him, but her words made sense to her. It would've been hard to anyone that didn't belong to get near their son. They had to get by a guard and a nurse to even step two feet inside the NICU.

"That toy didn't come from nowhere!" Lucifer exclaimed.

Chloe noticed a nurse walking by. "Excuse me. Could you get the doctor to examine our son, please. We wanna make sure everything's still okay."

The nurse walked over and checked the baby for a second. "He seems okay. The doctor will be by in an hour or so."

"No, we want him checked now!" Lucifer said impatiently.

"Please," Chloe said kinder, but with no less desperation.

"Okay," the nurse said before walking away.


Outside the NICU, Chloe and Lucifer interrogated the officer, demanding to know of anyone who might have gotten in that wasn't supposed to. The man claimed no one had.

"Look, they've provided me with the names of everyone who has permission to be inside this ward. I check IDs every time," the officer assured them.

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