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God had been paying very close attention to William Kinley, as well as to his youngest grandson. He'd hoped that William Kinley would learn from the hard lesson Lucifer attempted to teach, but like his son, God was certain that the priest could not be reasoned with. Well, that was fine. If this man persisted on being a threat to his grandson, he would be the first human God personally dealt with in eons.

God had arrived not long after his son and Chloe Decker left briefly to get something to eat. He knew Kinley would arrive soon after. God supposed he could've simply warned his son that the threat was not as gone as he thought, but that would be a temporary solution. No, it was best for God to handle the problem himself. Besides, he wanted some time with his grandson, which led him to as he was now, holding his grandson as William Kinley stared at him.

Kinley wasn't sure how the man in front of him knew his name, but he chalked it up to the man being a friend of the child's parents. It didn't matter anyway. All that mattered was that he get rid of the man so could take out the Antichrist. He hoped to do that peacefully, but he'd make sacrifices if he had to. "Sir, you must put that child down at once."

God raised an eyebrow and smirked in amusement. "Do I? Now, who are you to tell me what I must do?"

"I am a man of God. You must put that child down. It is dangerous," Kinley said.

The baby began to fuss a bit in his grandfather's arms.

God rocked the boy and began talking to him. "Shh. You don't pay any attention to that man. You're perfect."

"Sir, you must listen to me. That child belongs to the Devil himself. It must be stopped," Kinley said, gripping the blade in his hand tightly.

God's gaze returned to Kinley, and any amusement that was there before evaporated. He spoke to the man quietly, but lethally. "Mr. Kinley, the little tolerance I have for you is diminishing with each word you speak! I suggest you not test me!"

Kinley didn't mean to, but he did flinch at the man's harsh words. He felt some sort of power came from them, but he knew he must have imagined it. The man must simply have that sort of personality. "Sir, I have come to eliminate the risk…"

"I'm aware of why you've come," God interrupted. "By the time we're finished, you will regret that intention, and the threat you pose to this child will be gone."

"You must listen to me. Lucifer Morningstar is…"

"Do not speak to me of Lucifer. I know all there is to know about him. Now, I will deal with you momentarily, but first, I will tend to the child," God said before standing up.

Lucas stated to cry again.

"Shh, there is nothing to worry about, my boy. The bad man isn't going to hurt you," God said before placing his grandson down in the crib.

Father Kinley began to get antsy. This was the first chance he'd had at the Antichrist since the failed car accident, and he only had it because he'd tricked people into believing he'd left the country. He wouldn't be able to pull off something like this again. It could be a very long time before he had another chance, if he ever did. He had to act now.

Kinley approached the man tending to the Antichrist. He raised his knife to attack. He didn't want to kill unnecessarily, but he couldn't take the risk that he would miss his chance to finish his work for God. He couldn't allow that.

As Kinley went to stab him, God turned to him. The knife was out Kinley's hand and into God's before the human could react. God then raised his free hand and effortlessly sent Kinley into a chair.

Kinley stared at the man in disbelief. Well, man likely wasn't the right word. The being hadn't even touched him. He couldn't be human. "What are you?"

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